FFXIV: Clowning Around – Dev Blog All Saints Wake Details


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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


33 thoughts on “FFXIV: Clowning Around – Dev Blog All Saints Wake Details”

  1. So the game's riddled with monsters, demons and spirits but people are afraid of clowns? get real! I'll never understand it… that or the fear of small spiders and snakes. Its like people are afraid of clowns because its popular to be afraid of clowns.

  2. While my expectations are realistically low, I’m kinda hoping they’ll one day figure out how to make a top hat that Viera can wear.
    It would be nice if this one is bunny wearable, and I would be exceedingly ecstatic, but that’s probably not happening this time around.

  3. I think the reason why they delay the event is because they want to give the players the option to transform into the NPC that were introduced in Endwalker. Endwalker is the first expansion for FFXIV that was not released in the Summer and was released long after Halloween took place.

  4. I am beyond ready for this glam. I've wanted a non-caster clown glam since FOREVER.

    I don't believe people are scared of clowns >-> soon as I see people scared of Harley Quinn, I'll believe it. Kefka is too fine for me to be afraid of him.

  5. I actually think this is one of their best rewards yet. They’re starting to play around with textures and thinking outside of the box instead of their usual fantasy-focused outfits.

    People are just mad because they can’t come up with a cute glamour with any of the pieces. Not me tho, y’all be safe. Lmao.

  6. Oh boy another event where races whove been in the game for two years cant use the gear! Im so happy about this information! Another event where I cant use the items, just a day away!

  7. I was really hoping this event would have SOMETHING to do with Reapers bc its supposed to drop like 6 days after ew originally released but no its just lame "make an npc do the gooboo due glamour" castle reasoning and thats excruciating

  8. I really don't understand why, after 2 years, they're still deciding to make items that Viera can't wear or not even trying to make it work for people who use newer races. Pretty bullshit imo. I was willing to give them time to sort all that out but now i just feel like I'm getting fucked. 🤣


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