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Clips of the best streamers playing FFXIV every day gathered here on our channel!
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man's speaking truth. They're spoiled and passive aggressive; once you run stuff with them randomly and shit happens, you can hardly tell them to git gud without fear of getting reported for "toxicity"… (unless you can be polite about it somehow)
Facts this community is so damn soft. This is somewhat unrelated but my friend troll rescued this person twice when running Crystal Tower and they got their goons to spam report him lmfao
studies show that if you call everyone a retarded trash when they fuck up and you correct them, they are more prone to not heed your advice and think you are hostile. I correct people all the time, I just tend to omit the expletives, and I've never been reported for that…
Xeno is bald because his brain is so huge there is no space for hair strands to make roots
Absolutely true, moment you call out shit gameplay they just say you are toxic, bruh if this was wow I'd be ripping into them
But noooooooooooo we must protect the guy who doesnt want to learn the fight
I truly feel bad for those that cannot find a static that meets their criteria, hours, mindset, and have to deal with this even more than usual in PF. At least in my static after kills a few of us are just running stuff through xivanalysis to see where we and others can be doing better. It also helps those that might be adverse if you show them pure facts saying they missed like a third of their positional attacks or only had like an 80% uptime on Higanbana.
lol one time this girl threw a hissy fit in alliance chat bc her bf was afk for half an alliance raid and they were asking to not pull yet so they can kick him and she was like 'yall are awful what if something came up and it was an emergency you are all so impatient you cant wait for him to return?' like bruh if he's afk, you kick him for being afk. it was like over 15 minutes of him standing by arena entrances (and ofc she rage left after he got kicked) like you can't criticize anything in this game without ppl being big butthurt, they can be self depreciating but you cant agree with them bc then you get reported for agreeing with the person who started it, it's so silly
3rd World Problems
Says the mean bald man who leans fairly heavily on the kindness of strangers to pay for his own ravioli. XD
Nah but seriously tho, kids be doofin.