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Clipes dos melhores streamers jogando Final Fantasy XIV todos os dias reunidos aqui em nosso canal !
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That's the reaction I was looking for. PLD legit busted ass class.
Confite-four one might say
Is that an empty I see 😏
As a PLD Main, I feel like PLD this expansion needs one more new thing to seal the deal for me. Not sure what that is, but I'm not as excited as I am for PLD as I am for the other jobs.
Still gonna main PLD at the end of the day though lol.
Tank class btw
Confiteor 2: Confiteor With A Vengence
Confiteor 3: Confiteor Harder
Confiteor 4: A Good Day to Confiteor
You just saw a man's brains get blasted out his asshole
Unlimited blade works.
I can't believe Yoshi P. just gabe Paladins the freakin GATE OF BABYLON
Gonna need a Vince McMahon meme about this.