FFXIV Weeb Reacts to Shadowlands Trailer – WOW

Blizzard’s Dragonflight (DF) has released, and this FF14 weeb will react to another World of Warcraft trailer. Today’s cinematic is from Shadowlands, the BEST EXPANSION EVER, where the Jailer reveals he’s been pulling the strings since The Lost Vikings. Here I learn the Lich King is now some nobody called Bolvar, and Sylvannas is powerful because she’s a hot elf. Final Fantasy XIV catgirls get rekt by her banshee powers. Jokes aside, her pulling the crown apart and cracking the sky is AWESOME. Super hype. Hope you enjoy the reactions, commentary, highlights and funny moments.


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17 thoughts on “FFXIV Weeb Reacts to Shadowlands Trailer – WOW”

  1. I love how Sylvanas ended up in the maw when she killed herself after WotlK whilst Garrosh is in revendreth

    This means that Sylvanas even back in WotlK was already beyond redemption whilst Garrosh wasn't, his only "sin" is that he was arrogant.

    It is also very interesting that they manipulate Uther into throwing Arthas soul into the Maw, if Arthas was irredeemable then there was no need for Uther to do that, the only reason there they have for doing that is that they were worried that Arthas wouldn't end up in the maw, so he wasn't irredeemable either.

    Makes you think, the fact that both Garrosh and Arthas didn't deserve the Maw but Sylvanas did.

  2. Absolutely atrocious piece of trash expansion, ever! Convoluted, nonsensical story within a world none of us cared about, while destroying Sylvanus' character and evaporating any kind of existence that was Arthas, while diluting much of the Azeroth's lore. I absolutely hated it. Dragonflight on the other hand feels refreshing, almost like WoW is an entirely new game altogether.

  3. I gotta say. In my opinion, BFA's trailer was amazing. In terms of newer expansions, that is the one that made me feel so excited. I had chills/goosebumps during both Sylvannas' and Anduin's scenes, and the ending clash. Amazing. Shadowlands trailer was a cool to watch but did not get me excited like BFA (expansion gameplay aside).

  4. As amazing as the cinematic is, they eviscerated Sylvanas as a character and now she's a one-sided evil mustache-twirling villain serving the Jailer but also will never serve… She was a cool character up until the end of Legion and now she's permanently ruined.

  5. Had to read books to find out sylvanas was empowered and all that nonsense, people who didnt read the book were wondering why she could wipe the floor with the lich king 😂

  6. Bolvar is not nearly as strong as Arthas was. He doesn't have the armor, nor Frostmourne. In fact, the shards of Frostmourne actually belong to the Deathlord now(the player character if they're a death knight). Sylvanas, we later learned, is being empowered by all the souls going to the maw. Or super hell. Everyone that has died since the Third Burning Legion Invasion(Legion xpac). Everyones souls go straight to the Maw. And the Jailer is sharing a portion of that power with Sylvanas. Thus the Superman strength. She's channeling the power of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, souls.

    I remember watching this cinematic the first time. I thought she was going to put on the Helm of Domination. When she started breaking it I remember my heart skipped a beat and then the sky tore open I gasped and remember whispering, "Oh no… What have you done? What HAVE you done?!"

    Yes. I goddamned know I'm a nerd. WoW lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, and FFXIV(and many other FF games) lore. All my loves.


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