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  1. This fight is the culmination of one of the best stories ever to be told through the medium of gaming. In my mind FF14's sheer emotional power is equivalent to legends of our time such as Berserk. Seeing people skip it hurts me but I mean… why complain about being confused if you skipped it lol its a personal choice and going to have obvious consequences.

  2. Here comes story people trashing on RAIDER for skipping the story to RAID. Stfu people can do whatever they want you don’t pay their sub. If they missing out on the story that’s on them and their money just stfu

  3. I remember that clip of him being like "omg i could have been playing ff14 all this time, why didn't you tell me it was this good?". He didn't think he'd enjoy the game, but he did. Well maybe, just maybe, he'd have the same reaction to the story as well.

  4. hmm.
    this is why you don't skip story.

    this is why people who experienced the story mad when people skip story.

    it's like watching Avenger endgame, without watching previous movie.

    personally i am not mad he doesn't understand.
    but mad the fact he skipped.

  5. so he is not understand any logic and lore here, did he think that WoL is exclusively used to call us? no, it's the title that any one can have. Well, he skipped, so I'm not angry or anything tho

  6. When I read some comments, even if the FFXIV community is great, I realize there are a lot of close-minded people among us. More than I thought there were. It's perfectly understandable to skip the story if you don't have the time to reach Endwalker before launch, and if your main focus is raiding. Especially when you're a World 1st raider like Scripe, and when raiding content is your job. I think this reaction is great, because he actually cares for the story and didn't think he would be before trying the game. I watched some of his streams, and he's genuinely interested in the characters and the lore, he loves the soundtrack, the fights etc. He came for the raids, and now he likes eveything in the game, and it's really cool imo.

  7. It's a decent story and cheers on you who think it's an amazing story. I'm happy for ya, but i'm also getting a bit fed up by all gatekeeping/tribalistic folks who think its some kind of groundbreaking story. It all comes down to preference in the end. It's not objectively good. I think it's sometimes delivered in a weird way, and a bit too "lovey-dovey" or childish, "happy" or whatever. And i do enjoy stories like that from time to time, like Fairy tail. But i'd like to see more consequence and hardship in FF14. It's pretty obvious in a lot of the story which characters are going to survive etc, the stakes are never portrayed as "the world is doomed" even if they're trying


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