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Clips of the best streamers playing FFXIV every day gathered here on our channel!
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Ya, I agree but, really I can't understand how people get so upset with someone just because of it. I've raided before, and when people talk behind our back. I did not care, or whatever. If they did not listen. I removed them.
Raiders have way too much passion, The whole. My time is being wasted thing is silly. You are playing a game, and a social game is part of it. If progression is the only thing that matters, to make you feel like your time is not being wasted, than you might need to look at yourself.
My point being is. Both sides could have handle this better. It makes great content, but it also makes raiders look bad.
are people who raid there to prog the fight and clear or to be concerned about what others say about them in their backs or their opinion on them?
I swear to got FFXIV is the only game with a raiding community so UNFOCUSED ON FUCKING PROGGING