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  1. In some hunting traditions around the world, it is customary to train the beast you’re about to fight. You want them as strong as possible because it makes your victory over it all the more meaningful, at least in the hunter’s eyes.

    Zenos’ ‘affection’ for us is very much the same, purely selfish.

  2. Hated this moment so much. We the WoL have absolutely no option but to agree to an assassination attempt that even if it were to succeed would only have lead to the suffering of every villager for miles around after the Garlean empire punished them. I know the story needed to move along but all I needed was "I think this is a terrible idea Ygiri but I won't let you go alone" instead of just giving us different shades of agree. Also we didn't deserve the heroes welcome we got afterwards. By all rights we should have doomed those villagers with our failed assassination attempt and they should have been furious with us.

  3. Zenos is an interesting character, he is shown as to be pure evil, but I think it has to do more with his psyche, he is the strongest in Garlean Empire, heck, I would dare to say, in all of Eorzea, the only person who is probably stronger than him is the WoL.

    Now imagine a world where :
    You have no connection to anyone, everyone is either scared of your power, crawling up your butt and "respecting" you because you are the son of the Emperor

    Nothing gets his blood flowing, everyone is by malms weaker than him, war for him is a boring monotone task.

    He gets handed everything without the need to even try.

    His life is one of grey, everything is grey, there is no joy, there is no sadness, there is nothing, just monotone grey.

    So, thats why he is so happy to meet WoL, finally, after 26 years, he has met someone who can offer him a challenge, someone who does not give him everything on a silver platter, someone who shows direct disapproval of his ways without fear.

    For him, the WoL is the only person he needs in his life, since its someone who can stand with him shoulder to shoulder. There was a saying, when you reach the top, you realize, that on that apex of strengths, you are there all by your self. He wants to loose to the WoL, because that means he is forced to start gaining power again, to reach the WoL, its something he can strive for again, giving his life a meaning again.

  4. Zenos is like Kefka but with the callousness of Zemus. Imho he's one of the less good villains of FFXIV, but maybe his consumption of souls will make him more interesting down the road.


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