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Clips of the best streamers playing Final Fantasy XIV every day gathered here on our channel!
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This scene, man… solidified endwalker as the best story yet for me. So much unbridled emotion in this zone, and the darkness it isn't afraid to explore.
Yeah I didn't think they'd go that far. Nobody goes that far nowadays.
… except YoshiP apparently, and it is glorious.
Saddest superbolide cast I've ever seen
Legally speaking, yes, teenagers are children.
Community: You don't have to guts to kill anyone off anymore
Square: Are you sure about that?
By the time I got to the end of Endwalker, I was so emotionally exhausted; I never knew a masterpiece story existed.
Garlemald is by far the best zone I've seen in any MMO. Such a fantastic visual and audio experience with great story to back it up.
As someone who lost a friend to suicide this scene fucking broke me
When you remember the meaning of the chain on the flag, the meaning of the song playing in the background and the contrast of hope you were just given it truly portrays a catharsis, they did a better job writing a greek tragedy than many famous authors ever have
This video cuts off right as it does it, but I love how it gets into the darker part of the Imperial theme (well, this more proud yet also sad/sombre(?)/jazz-like(?) Garlemald version) just after it cuts from him ready to pull the trigger.
You know the bit, the bit that usually always plays when something all "bad guy" and Imperial shows up in a cutscene. The bit that plays when Gaius shows up just before he says "tell me, for who do you fight?" in the Praetorium.
My only thoughts during this the first time was just "no no no sir please no oh my god they're really gonna do this what"
Did nobody else notice how plagiarized this scene was tho? Like, Starcraft: Brood War? ANYONE? Sure, facist kills themselves when facism fails, nothing new. But the way its shot, the music, the monologue. It's just Brood War.
My kids walked into the room while I'm at this moment. Of all the moments they did not need to see…
Love how it says children game btw, in the title. This game has never been a children's game. Not sure exactly what is meant by that, but yeah.
Say it with me, "Welcome to Endwalker!"
Bro that's not how you use Superbolide
If you post spoilers when its fresh at least change the fucking thumbnail.
Content warning, monkaS
There were mass suicides happening when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan lost the war. This is similar to those real-life events.
Going that far in a video game — an MMO, at that — was one thing. But what really solidified that scene for me was not only the act and the visuals, but the radio propaganda in the background.
Previously, its was Endwalker
Now, its Walkender
This entire expansion is about how fear and despair are gripping the people of the world to the point where they become monsters and tear each other apart. It's a very somber message, but people need to hear it. What they need even more is to hear how it can be changed by being brave and keeping cool.
if you going to put EW spoilers pls use a custom thumbnail
Garelans: totaly not Nazi germany
entirety of garlemald zone is just massive depression trip