FFXIV Censorship Campaign Hides The Real Issues in the "Community"

FFXIV Censorship Campaign Hides The Real Issues in the “Community”
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26 thoughts on “FFXIV Censorship Campaign Hides The Real Issues in the "Community"”

  1. Maybe I'm jaded but after Star Citizen's rabid fan base, nothing in the FFXIV community could ever look as bad as the weird nerds who defend that game. 😇

  2. I disagreed with some of your points on the first few videos, but I still enjoyed them. Now it's just getting tiring. I've never once encountered the defense force in game or out.

  3. From the housing side of things, the single biggest problem I see is that the small houses aren't adequate for the FCs… and the gardening and workshop stuff (specifically the voyages) are locked to the FCs. When you combine that with FCs that only need to rank up enough to lock housing, you end up with a whole bunch of FCs that exist ONLY to do gardening and workshop. Throw in the inability for SE to create a FC cleanup system, then it allows FCs to exist in a state where they are just there and the house has the bare minimum needed to have it maintained so it's there for the RMT sale. There's one house I suspect is getting used as such in Empyrean that's quite literally next door to your FC.

    IMO SE should address the supply side of this by opening up a lot of the FC only mechanics (like they did with FC buffs and your GC squadron) so that the only reason why you have a house is you want one in a ward. That's tying into Island Sanctuary as players WANT to have a house to decorate, but we don't want to deal with the frustration of the ward system – so we were hopeful that Island Sanctuaries would give us a house that we could use housing decorations on. Likewise with gardening, if everyone had access to three large gardens (like through Island Sanctuaries), it would help devalue the housing RMT market and (again) help reduce the demand pressure for personal housing. And the GC Squadron also makes sense to have its own workshop which would allow everyone to use it if they so wished. By opening up the ability for all players to participate in these activities you are attacking RMT which is good for the health of the game.

    While there's a lot of discussion around the FCs that should be had – specifically around a failed FC… I don't have many thoughts with this.

    But the great kicker to all of this, you DARE try to discuss any of this on the OF, and you are going to get shouted out of existence because you are a "troll", or (even more sinister) the RMTers see you discussing this, and then use their multiple accounts to spam report you out of existence. Once SE bans you once, you're basically boned because the GMs will see the ban, see the incoming reports and go "oh, they haven't learned their lesson" and proceed to keep banning you until your forum account is toast.

  4. I think quinn got shit on for shitting on the story without doing the story. And probably also for not knowing how mechanics work and then shitting on those as well. But I think that dude is funny for doing that and would not have harassed him like some ppl ended up doing. The memes are good, the incessant hate is bad.

  5. (Parody account) 3:20 It's not possible to dislike the game and especially the story. This game is the masterpiece of the century and we should all have a copy of the Encyclopaedia Eorzea volume 1 and Volume 2 next to our bed for quick reference during period of doubt.

  6. I feel the same with raids, trying to raid in xiv is just gatekeeping. I need to prove something arbitrary that isn't even in the main game just so I have a chance to participate.

  7. Trolling can be all in good fun but you’re going to attract some nasty bugs with this vinegar, Brian. Saying this is ‘censorship’ is edging into Qanon territory here and that’s not the kind of thing a lot of people want to watch.

  8. Where people see threats, I see innovation. I sincerely hope we get many new things over the next few years, be it system revamps, quality of life, brand new content types. Stagnation is where MMOs die, there is nothing wrong with trying new approaches.

    Eureka is a good example, a lot of people liked it, as many others disliked it. So they did Bozja instead and it was overall enjoyable. You don't hit it on the nail right away, but at least you're laying foundations for what can be, down the road, an incredible piece of content.

    On that note, I'm very curious of how the relic grind will go this expansion with the return to an ARR/HW kind of system.

  9. It’s a small minority making the loudest noise. But the ppl who blindly love the game and think it’s perfect with no flaws is a lot more than a minority. The 11/10 ppl

  10. Why bothered with it? I understand there is always some white knight in any community. And they will thrives no matter what spotlight you given them. Its an useless effort.

    Avoid reddit or comments that you see its bad. Will there be any impact after this?

    But if this kind of topic do generate traffic and sub, oh well

  11. it's a twitch or maybe forum problems, i have no issue ingame and no one around me or on discord … when you talk about some issue it's like adding fuel to the fire… thing continue over and over, just ignore these people/creator.

  12. I mean if you want a grievance, I don't like how people in party finder generally don't pull anything more than 3 or 4 times before quitting.

    How about the market board system. Holy shit that thing is a busted pos. People who pay more money can make more money thanks to retainers. I sell crystals. I made 2m yesterday doing absolutely nothing but ventures. I stocked away another 2m worth while farming from my retainer.

    Now let's talk about the asshats that can't not keep undercutting you. I've seen items go from 1.2m gil for a pair of gloves to 200k for the same gloves in a week because people can't leave it alone. They have to undercut by 1 to 2 and it leads to thousands at the end of the day. Absolutely low iq. Yes you sold the item, for 1/4 of its cost and now the market tanked and the rest of us won't make shit either. Good job stupids.

    Why is it I can only hold 3 maps on me? One deciphered, one in my bag, and one in the choco bag. Why? Special timeworn maps have let us do this. Why can't all maps be this way? I would gather maps if it was worth my time. Half the time I already have three on me when I'm out and about so I leave them. Or increase the stack size to 3. I just want less reasons to stop having fun because artificial timegating.

    Golly can we let that poor man rest finally. Quin still gets shit for that. Grow the fork up.

    I probably went off the rails Brian, sorry.

    Maybe you see more than we normally do because you read the comments while we might read a few. I saw that dislike ratio on that first video… woo spicy.

  13. Instead of whining about being "censored" by weirdos on Reddit that frankly should be ignored.

    You should maybe instead focus on SquareEnix themselves and the censorship they've done due to their "Ethics department".

    Also saying Quin69 was criticized for enjoying the game incorrectly or "playing the game the way he wants" is incredibly false/dishonest. Bad look bro, bad look…

    I think you're better off thinking up ways to ruin the game, like Implementing a "Player-driven economy" consequences be damned.

  14. This is pretty anecdotal but I literally watched someone get kicked out of the novice network on my server because they said they didn’t care for the story of the game.

    In this same novice network I watched the mentors, unprompted, say they would literally dox and bomb anybody who spoiled anything from endwalker patch because they haven’t finished it.

    I don’t think it’s so much about “Oh these people are getting together to get us to think the way they do” as much as I think it’s smaller instances of players who have very unhealthy viewpoints on how people should enjoy the game.

    The vocal minority if you will. A large portion of the 14 community are very well rounded and good intentioned people but the bad eggs tend to be what gets focused on the most because it only takes one person to ruin peoples experience.

  15. Playing this game for a decade now, this wholesome bs is nothing but a facade and the moment you turn around, you have a knife in your back, FF14 is the Twitter of MMos but the CCP level of FF14s ToS turned the toxicity to passive aggressive bs.
    "UwU we almost had it" or YER A MEANIE XDDD" might as well be translated into "You fkin plebs suck, fk up like that again and I disband, afk or fail on purpose" or "I hate you [insert slur here]".
    SB ToS sure did a number on us, HW was toxic but at least you knew what's up and didn't walk on eggshells.
    Read the ToS, you are gonna have a laugh and then cold sweat, it basically has a social credit system built into it.

    TL;DR toxicity never got fixed, it just changed its tone and now happy pretending like on Twitter.

    (For the idiots that need it… I am obviously not talking about a majority here, just a bigger than usual chunk and how frustrating it is to deal with them just amplifies it)


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