FFXIV: Cash Shop Update – Educand Attire Outfits!

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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

0:00 – What was Added and Prices
2:00 – Outfit preview
7:57 – Dyes


38 thoughts on “FFXIV: Cash Shop Update – Educand Attire Outfits!”

  1. Why are new outfits either ugly, cheap copy pastes & undyeable or simply very plain…? (Why they keep adding modern clothes in a FF game….?)
    We have normal clothes for our usuall day, dont need that on a game.

  2. Oof. Children's school uniforms? What a weird thing to add to a game that has issues with pedophiles already – and being an RPer? People are nasty af. This will get used for disgusting stuff, and I wish they really wouldn't put children's outfits on the store as glams. These are classic Japanese school uniforms – that's why they're seen in so many anime/manga. Sure many will think it's just cute, but why do grown adults need a child's school uniform? They said no more child like races, then gave us children's school uniforms, knowing how horny and vile this community can be at times.

  3. this is such a throw away Model why the hell are they selling that trash haha that sht took Max like 2h to Model 🤣🤣 this should be a sidequest reward… imagine paying for that 🤣 if i open up z brush now i have that done by dinner time, sad

  4. Glad for the people who like this, but dang it feels so…bland to me. Most of the item in both sets can easily be substituted for stuff already in the game. The only piece that really seems "new" at all is the skirt set top, and even then, dosent feel all that exciting. Really dosent seem worth 18 dollars either way. Money saved I guess.

  5. these are nice. though im dumbfounded they still dont bother with viera or hrothgar hats. & im still incredibly pissed off though that they didnt make the gaia outfit all-genders. i knew they would do that too & i still got upset lol

  6. It's a failed outfit by its colour, to have put as main colour in black and the dyeable sailor?

    It would have been in white, the collar and the dyeable bow. They know the classic sailor from all the anime.

    And those stockings cut in half between boots and legs.

    A failed outfit like the Collegiate attire…

  7. At 18 bucks a pop, surely you can make a hat work on two races. They already have to make every piece of the outfit work ranging from Hrothgar to Lalafells, what did they do that made adjusting hats so impossible compared to that.

  8. I would love a pair of tights that cover the legs and feet without having to split them between leg item and foot item and still be able to use different shoes.

    Yeah, I'm probably expecting way too much.

  9. The fact to this day, Viera and Ronso still don't get the Newer Headpieces is absolutely absurd. This is the Devs ACTIVELY not adding these new pieces to those models. We need to call them out on this BS asap. Sometimes ya gotta serve 'em that humble pie or else they'll continue down this path. Insane the Mod community has fixed this issue not even a month after Viera & Ronso released in Shadowbringers, and yet the Devs are still struggling. Should of never added in Male Viera in 6.0, fixed the issues with F.Viera & M.Ronso first before even thinking about adding in another race/sex. Thank god F.Ronso is the last race being added to this game.

  10. It's so disappointing that we have to rely on a freaking mod to even wear hats as viera and Hrothgar, it's just beyond ridiculous at this point considering how both races have been in the game for a good while now :/ like why even add the races if you're going to limit us? Just hire the modder that made the hat mod at this point.


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