[FFXIV] CAR – Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) Alliance Raid First Clear | WHM POV December 27, 2024 by Ava Moon FFXIV This was a fun new content type! This group used raidplan strats. Cleared as White Mage 😀 00:00 – Intro Cutscene 00:48 – Phase 1 04:00 – Phase 2 07:15 – Phase 2 Swap (Looming Chaos) 09:23 – Phase 3 11:45 – THE KILL! + Cutscene source
That was amazing! 😮 Thanks for uploading your WHM POV vods. I always watch them to help me with raids as a WHM. 😊❤ Reply
Congrats on the clear! I'm still on brambles prog, so I'm curious: why are there tank LB3s at 7:48? Is it because there aren't enough bodies to soak all the towers, and the LB3s are a fallback just in case this happens? Reply
Wow so clean!
That was amazing! 😮 Thanks for uploading your WHM POV vods. I always watch them to help me with raids as a WHM. 😊❤
Congrats on the clear!
I'm still on brambles prog, so I'm curious: why are there tank LB3s at 7:48? Is it because there aren't enough bodies to soak all the towers, and the LB3s are a fallback just in case this happens?