FFXIV Bard PvP Controller Guide | New Player Guide

Getting started in FFXIV PvP as a Machinist and playing on a controller? I’ve got you covered with this PvP Machinist controller guide. This is for PC or PS4 Guide and PS5 Guide
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1 thought on “FFXIV Bard PvP Controller Guide | New Player Guide”

  1. I really like bard, but I find its main attack goes against the whole point of CC. There are times where you have to be on the point and knowing you are doing reduced damage sucks, especially with the low dmg output the class already has. The best kit bard has is being able to silence your enemies. Hopefully they'll change it to a fixed damage because a lot of other classes have gap closers and the bind shot only helps a little.

    Casters suffer a lot too because if you need to push the point and try to cast the crystal will move away from you and stop before your casting is finished. PVP is great, but it just needs several tweaks to make it amazing.


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