Chapter 2: the Days of Summer
While the vague threats remains, the efforts of the Scions have stabilized Eorzea. In this auspicious time, Ashen looks to broaden her horizons, taking full advantage of her now numerous connections within the three City States.
Guided by the example of her peers, and the divine mantra of the Mother Crystal, the young adventurer now seeks ever greater knowledge and power.
Welcome to this Let’s Play of Final Fantasy XIV.
In this playthrough I will explore all the quests, side quests, and stories the game has to offer.
Editions have been done for convenience, comfort, and to add more personality and motivation to the main character.
FFXIV is an mmorpg whose story is divided in “chapters”. A Realm Reborn, the base game, is the first chapter of this story. Then the “patch content” follows up, tying up loose ends, introducing the raids, and hinting at the next storyline.
This playthrough will take you through A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringer, and Endwalker, the final chapter of the story arc.
This work has been done in order for people who do not want or cannot play the game. While its story is, in my humble opinion, pretty nice at worst and spectacular at best, it is within a very time consuming video game.
To those who have not the time, the patience, or the interest to play the game, I present to you this adaptation of the story in video format.
May you enjoy the Journey.