FFXIV – Another Sil'dihn Subterrane Criterion Final Boss Clear

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9 thoughts on “FFXIV – Another Sil'dihn Subterrane Criterion Final Boss Clear”

  1. I wiped for 2 hours on first boss, or maybe more, with 2 parties, tought it was difficult (new to end-game in FF14 btw) and have hard-time to uneerstand some mechs, but on your fight there, I understand a single thing, wth is appening on the screen ? Are all extreme ans savage like that ?

    I think I'll wait for your guide before trying it again, this is too difficult for me this going blind with people I met for the first time.

    BTW grats on you clear, I guess you guys are going for savage now, cant imagine how difficult this is going to be.

  2. Seems overtuned for most regular players in ffxiv. Unless this was suppose to be all savage tier content from the start. Don't mind waiting to run this once its clear who this content is really designed for. Seems to be leaning heavily into savage players .

  3. When I first stepped into the criterion and wiped solid few times to the trash mobs, I was like “ok this place means business”. Wasn’t disappointed: this is not your regular tank and spank.


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