I tried my best to showcase as MANY of the helms I could that I have collected over the last 10 years.
This has been made possible recently with finally having loot unlocked in Endwalkers Alliance Raids and 8 Player raids.
I just wanted to catalogue as many helms as possible.
Song is “neath dark waters” – Masayoshi Soken FFXIV OST
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#FFXIV #Meoni #Endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
I tried my best to showcase as MANY of the helms I could that I have collected over the last 10 years.
This has been made possible recently with finally having loot unlocked in Endwalkers Alliance Raids and 8 Player raids.
I just wanted to catalogue as many helms as possible.
around 500 items in the game can be used by Viera Females. like 70% of those are Circlets 😛
Won't lie, I find it a bit disappointing that it's been so long, and no "proper" helmets were changed to work with viera. Meanwhile, mods (for a moment I'll ignore the whole "don't use them, Yoshi doesn't want you to") have fixed that issue so long ago – if modders can make helmets work with them, why can't a major gaming company?
I ate a bean
brave new world with all this hairclips since endwalker – for everyone…
as a viera main i thank you
i am playing for a bit more than a year and Viera is my favorite race, to have a video like this is just perfect, thanks for making 🙂
I've been playing since HW, and switched to Viera at the start of ShB.
And tbh, most masks, helms & such that work on Vieras just look goofy & out of place, unless you're making a very specific glam. I'd say less than 10% of the head pieces glams actually look good to wear, rest of the stuff will never get used.
As a female Viera player, I appreciate this so so much. Thanks Meoni!
The video we buns have been waiting for!
This is amazing Meoni! Almost my whole FC plays a bun so I'm definitely sharing this.
So many are just eye patches and circlet variations 😢
I understand most of pre SHB stuff not working, but as far as I'm concerned there's no excuse for not making all helms/hats in EW and beyond fit a race that's been in the game for years by this point. ESPECIALLY ones bought on the mogstation!
whats the headpiece at the center of the thumbnail? i would love it for a dancer glam
Im a Viera and you are a godsend Meoni. Thank yyooouuuuuuu
its so weird that theres actually a couple hoods that work with viera. but then why not all! GIVE US ALL THE HATS SQUARE.
loved the video tho! thanks for all your hard work!
This is just sad lol
Love this, so much effort! Thanks Meoni!
I might have missed them shown somewhere, but my favorite headgear as viera is the Classical/Republican wings for maiming. My ears are tall and tilted back, and they line up just right behind the wings on each side of the head as if the wings are covering and protecting the ears. It looks so good!
thanks meo. needed this as not a clue what my bun buns can wear. normally i stick to just glasses
Lovely showcase. It’s still wild to me that they can’t wear the iconic black and red mage hats.
Wait.. so Viera can wear helms now?
what about male viera?
Goated videoo