FFXIV: Aglaia 24 Main Raid Guide

This is the first of three 24 player raids for the Alliance Raid Series: Myths of the Realm. I go over every main mechanic of each boss and a little bit of

I actually felt this raid was a bit obtuse at times! As a result, I felt like I should make a guide for everyone to enjoy and hopefully teach them a few things. If you’re afraid of going in blind, here’s an option for you!

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Intro: 0:00
Byregot: 0:40
Trash 1: 5:12
Rhalgr: 6:24
Trash 2: 10:45
Azeyma: 11:10
Nald’thal: 17:22
Outro: 26:26

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#FFXIV #Endwalker #alliance


27 thoughts on “FFXIV: Aglaia 24 Main Raid Guide”

  1. I'm just here to drop a like. I'll get back to this quality guide when I actually get to Endwalker (still in Shadowbringers currently, story wise).

    Appreciate the videos Wesk.

  2. On the scales, i'm pretty sure each of the adds accounts for 8 players of weight, so in an ideal scenario you just go to the opposite side your add was on. but like you mentioned, tanks don't point mobs the right way so the cones tend to nuke the other groups, making it harder.

  3. For the adds phase in the last boss, they target their twin (Twin Gaze) so the tank couldn't face them away even if they wanted to.

    Edit: After a few more runs, it seems like the add actually targets a random tethered player rather than it's twin specifically

  4. love the consideration for colorblind people, something i don't think any other guide i've seen for this raid mention, let alone for other fights! sadly not seen as often as it should

  5. the name for above and below mechs actually correlates, in the beginning "below" is the orange aoe inside the boss (or below the boss so to speak) and "above" is the blue aoe around the boss (or what isn't below the boss).

  6. thanks so much! I went in blind my first time cause i love the atmosphere, but man was I glad to be able to come here and have everything explained after the fact lol

  7. Thank you so much for this video! I tried the new raid yesterday and died, 14 times? 😂 Wait, 12, unless alliance wipes count. 😅 Those scales should have been easy and yet… lol. All in all I did find the raid fairly easy compared to others, but of course, there are always a few mechanics that require try and fail until we get it. The toughest for me were Raghl’s, mostly because you can end up falling from the platform if you get it wrong. For my second run I expect to reduce the deaths by at least 50% with the help of this video, and from experience. Just run the raid until you get muscle memory. 😁 Stay safe. ❤️

  8. I've already cleared this after going in blind, but I have absolutely no idea how most of Nald'thal's mechanics actually work. Couldn't find a pattern in them at all. Hopefully you can clear that up for me >_>
    Edit: Oh, that's how the colours work. Well, that explains a lot.

  9. This raid was for sure more forgiving than past raids. But that’s certainly not a bad thing. I do hope the future raids ramp up the difficulty though. The devs had me at red alert saying this raid was similar to the Ivalice raids in difficulty (queue horror flashbacks from all three raids week 1)

    But it was a refreshing experience and I only died twice! Once to Byregot because I thought the hammer hitting the side of the arena would move my character along with the arena, I was very wrong.. and the second time was to Azeyma.. I forget what exactly it was but I died like really fast but had the mechanic downloaded after that!

    All in all it was a fun and fairly easy raid. A few people I know that hate doing 8 man and 24 man content and talk about not liking hard content, were farming this for the sweet gear. That speaks volumes to either the ease of the raid? Or the really fun and intriguing story! Loved it!

  10. Yup, super pretty but I did find the mechanics a little frustrating cuz most normal content is rather easy to sight read but this one, I mostly survived by following the group rather than understanding. So thanks for the guide my dude!

  11. I've watched several of these guides, and yours is the first one that actually gives me the confidence to try this. You explained this very clearly, and your 'This is serious now, kids. Pay attention!', is actually very helpful! It's also nice to hear you died four times your first time. I'm sure I'll beat that, but its still nice to hear that even very experienced players struggle with these new raids.


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