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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – Intro & Discussion
1:48 – Titles
2:14 – Orthos Tomestones
3:04 – Enaretos Jewelry Glamour
4:12 – Final Title Unlock
4:20 – Aeturna Cat Mount
For those of you looking to clear this yourself, you can find all our clear VoD's on the channel under the "LIVE" section.
Additionally, the guide we used was Maygi's Guide :–UQk_E/preview#
An incredibly useful and powerful resource for your first time, should you wish to use it.
Grats!! Its an awesome mount . Feels rewarding after the 4th clear 😁
Well now I HAVE to clear this place don't I
Congratz! Not personally a fan of the mount, specifically the glowy bits but also the armour, but I'm glad that those who have put in the work for it do enjoy it
I. Must. Have. That. Mount. By any means necessary!
Did the other deep dungeons have mounts too?
So disappointed for a mount. Is basically a reskin from the tiger mount you got from the Hunt. 😔 I mean if i want it? Yes. But another reskin on a major content
There's too many cat mounts in this game. FFXVI collaboration, Torgal mount and minion – Yes please.
Another reward for clearing that should be mentioned is the ability to upgrade the Orthos weapons into the black metal forms.
Omg reminds me of the nightsaber mounts from WoW 🤣
Rathalos event "Dungeon"???? did i miss something?
Still struggling to find a group to clear floor 50 of Palace of the Death
Grats on your clears. I cannot find 3 others dependable enough to do this and am really sick of doing 21-30. Glad some people can but I am done hehe.
love when they ruin a mount with armor T.T
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." *Thomas Jefferson
Man lucky u have a group, can't fi d anyone in coeurl that wants to do this shit, everyone leaves after 10 rooms so fkn annoying im probably just gana give up on this mount 😮💨😮💨😮💨
That's definitely Battle Cat from He-Man!
This is the He-Man tiger, the armor, the fur pattern. Even the name evokes the show.
glad its easy to do in a party, now only to find people to actually do it with kekw
Welcome to the glowy tiger club! Always need more of us in hunt trains