FFXIV | 7.01 All New HEAVY LIGHT raid gear! | DAWNTRAIL

This video showcases all the new Heavy light normal raid Gear Sets from FFXIV Patch 7.01 Dawntrail with dye on a Female/male/Lala. I showed it on a male viera so you can see how the hat looks.
They drop in the new normal raid – The Arcadion!
The dyeable version is from savage
I showed it on a female lala, on a male lala it has chest uncovered.

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7.0 content:
New mounts: https://youtu.be/GtIHcErFmik
All New Vanguard: https://youtu.be/9HvMr7FIjkM
All New Skyruin Weapons! (Ex): https://youtu.be/n4NI2vdrUHA
All New Spiked Sets & Weapons: https://youtu.be/o0zchUuVxvQ
New HEAVY LIGHT gear: https://youtu.be/X-sA_ynp_pE
All Goodies: https://youtu.be/tkNkyvQId9Q
7.0 Minions: https://youtu.be/q0sdhd0KW-E
Tuliyollal Music (Night): https://youtu.be/rAIKSl9jNtw
Tuliyollal Music (Day): https://youtu.be/Ibpe5_liaKQ

00:00 – Fending (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
00:55 – Maiming (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
01:48 – Striking (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
02:37 – Scouting (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
03:28 – Aiming (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
04:18 – Casting (Female/With Dye/Male/Lala)
05:11 – Healing (Female//With Dye/Male/Lala)

#ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv #thephookas


46 thoughts on “FFXIV | 7.01 All New HEAVY LIGHT raid gear! | DAWNTRAIL”

  1. I showed it on a male viera so you can see how the hat looks. They drop in the new normal raid – The Arcadion! The dyeable version is from savage. I showed it on a female lala, on a male lala it has chest uncovered.

    7.0 content:
    New mounts: https://youtu.be/GtIHcErFmik
    All New Vanguard: https://youtu.be/9HvMr7FIjkM
    All New Skyruin Weapons! (Ex): https://youtu.be/n4NI2vdrUHA
    All New Spiked Sets & Weapons: https://youtu.be/o0zchUuVxvQ
    New HEAVY LIGHT gear: https://youtu.be/X-sA_ynp_pE
    All Goodies: https://youtu.be/tkNkyvQId9Q
    7.0 Minions: https://youtu.be/q0sdhd0KW-E
    Tuliyollal Music (Night): https://youtu.be/rAIKSl9jNtw
    Tuliyollal Music (Day): https://youtu.be/Ibpe5_liaKQ

  2. I don't like these. The first raid sets from Pandaemonium (Asphodelos) were god-like. Tough act to follow. These look like slightly more tasteful versions of the biker/BDSM sets. I dont get too upset when a new set isnt to my liking. There's gotta be something for everyone and we absolutely do not want for variety in this game.

  3. As a machinist, I really would like some nice feminine sets to come out. It's usually cowboy gear or long coats… or a combination of the two. Now we have two leather daddy sets this expac. Lol

  4. I genuinely just wish chest revealing pieces on the males had a similar ish but obviously safe version for the ladies. T_T
    Also I'm full on sick of the fact they keep saying they will fix hats for viera and hroth…so their apparent truth was just removing them on us and we still get face pieces only or visors. đŸ€š

  5. Some individual pieces could end up looking nice with proper dyes but overall I find these very lackluster.

    Especially those Fending and Maiming caps…who even wears those?!

  6. Not my favorite, but there's definitely some potential for mixing in pieces. The Maiming chest piece will look great for RPR.
    I'm glad they're trying different things for these sets. I was tired of the same robes every gearset

  7. Another disappointing raid set /: two back to back shitty looking gear for raid. I hope the mount and weapons look good otherwise savage is going to be a waste of time. /: I feel they have been so lazy with raid sets. Ig I go back to farming asphedelos

  8. It's so weird to me that the raid set in the cyberpunk city based on an anime battle tournament gets weird leather trench coats as the first set… Like these are prime 90s WrestleMania outfits which I suppose is fine but what's next? Lucha Libre? MMA trunks? It's going to be an aesthetic whiplash for whatever is next…

  9. The sets are amusing, but would it be wrong of me to say they feel really samey compared to some of the sets we've had prior? I dunno, maybe I'm just imagining things differently from EW's sets, but I just wish there was more variation going on here. They all involve a long trench coat outside of the Aiming set, and it just makes me ask, why? I get there's some variation with the trench coats having some extra belts along the bottom or whether or not they have sleeves, but that kind of feels really minute? The sets boil down to the same thing for me across the board, leather pants, leather boots, leather coat or jacket if you're Aiming, and an ugly had, bandana, or hood. Not my cup of tea. ALSO, wher the ears be going under that headgear? No holes for them to poke out of? Just imagining if you're a Miqo and suddenly your hearing is all muffled wearing these things like ear-muffs.

    I'll just echo a similar sentiment to another commentor, this will be like Abyssos for me, in which I ignore the Aesthetics of the gear and just go for the stats.

  10. Been really disapointed by DT glamours for now, EW was already a disaster when it comes to glamour and now DT (which lets remind everyone, dual dyes was a major selling point) is doing a trash job at this, we even have undyable dungeons sets…


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