FFXIV 6.2 TIER LIST! Play these jobs or FAIL? [FFIXV 6.2]

Let’s be very honest and open about the actual state of savage raiding and the current meta of which jobs to pick and play and which ones to avoid in this video. There will be some comments on the state of jobs that may rub people the wrong way but has been my and other players experiences formed.

So let’s get into it!

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0:00 Savage Raiding Meta Patch 6.2
0:51 The meta is not all that it seems
3:00 Quit Sage and play Scholar
3:35 Quit Warrior and play Gunbreaker
5:46 Jobs that need help – Machinist and Paladin
8:11 Healing stats are WILD
8:41 My recommendations
10:42 Conclusions PLAY WHAT YOU WANT TO PLAY

Hey guys! Let’s talk about the savage raiding meta because that conversation has been raging on given the world first clears and a significant amount of controversy sparked by P8S’s first phase DPS check being extremely demanding.

Now people want a spicy point, if you want to know what I’d be looking at if you aren’t meeting DPS checks? Get your caster DPS on black mage, get your ranged physical DPS on dancer– the numbers indicate that’s more relevant than the quit warrior reroll gunbreaker memes.

But before people say I’m a servant to the meta hang on…

I’ll be direct, unless you are going for a week first clear of the entire savage tier it’s pretty pointless to fixate on this and that’s unfortunate because I see a lot of even more casual raid groups or independent raiders in PF swear by the current statistical makeup of P8S clears.

But that’s nonsense. By the time the incredible majority of groups get to this door boss they will have weeks of upgrades which I’d agree, one single ring and maybe a helmet from tomestones isn’t going to add up that much personally– but spread across an entire party of 8 people those bonuses will add up massively and

So for most groups, all of this should not be a concern at all.

What will make a difference is are the players in your group playing what they want to play, because if someone is playing something they intrinsically enjoy and love then they will care more and want to improve. Like telling a summoner or red mage enjoyer to just go black mage is, in everything outside of bleeding edge number crunching, absolutely ridiculous.

But let’s take a closer look at two examples that are near and dear to my heart. Sage versus Scholar, which one should you take? Which one am I taking into my own raiding, which has been totally a wild week so I’ve been thrown off my game, I’ll maybe talk about that in another video.

But according to clear data I should absolutely one hundred percent not ever play Sage. It’s got a quarter of the clears to Scholar, it’s clearly awful.

Or another one that’s making rounds is warrior is unplayable trash and you should play gunbreaker or quit. Look at how close the numbers are for warrior and gunbreaker, if this is the difference between clearing or not you have way bigger problems. This is a 100DPS difference and has been way overblown to the point anyone looking at the numbers should raise an eyebrow.

Moving on, I can make a ton of different reasons why each of these are exceptionally strong in their niche, such as continuing sage versus Scholar; Sage is a cognitive decision I’ve made weighing pros and cons and what I personally prefer– worth it’s own discussion I’ll do tomorrow.

But take the utility of having haima as it’s own separate tank cooldown that soaks up the bleed tankbusters we’re seeing this tier, that’s separate from the powerful area of effect cooldown panhaima. Scholar cannot split it’s Seraph fairy into two skills.

More examples from there.

But Scholar’s expedient is undeniable, among other benefits like a bard and warrior can supercharge it’s shield to be absolutely gigantic and delete mechanics. So Scholar isn’t without pros too.

Moving on, the point is too many people are looking at the raw hard data of extremely early clears and extrapolating it to infinity and beyond.

Now if you want the jobs I think that are in the toughest spot right now I’d put my money on machinist and paladin. But both of those jobs also do have and handful of clears already so even that’s dumb for me to say.

Machinist’s problem remains exactly the same as before, no utility, no mobility and it’s damage is not good when compared to the others that do bring utility and mobility.


29 thoughts on “FFXIV 6.2 TIER LIST! Play these jobs or FAIL? [FFIXV 6.2]”

  1. I will be honest, thinking of dropping sage for scholar, mainly because of all the movement due to the mechanics. If I didn't enjoy both classes, I really wouldn't care that much lol. Plus as much as I enjoy sage, I do get annoyed with the button to change heal/shield and dps/dot everytime

  2. Here's a tip: Don't look at the statistics and play what you're more comfortable with.
    Just because GNB does more DMG on paper then PLD, doesn't mean you will have the same result due to being overwhelmed with GNBs pace while also solving mechanics.

  3. I totally agree with you, playing what you enjoy is best. You do no damage if you didn't have fun and unsubbed after all.

    With that said, did you get distracted and forget to make a tier list? 😉

  4. Cole, I am going to be honest, class balance is fucked right now…. especially for the top 0.01% of players who were trying for world first, where the ~5% DPS difference between the highest DPS classes and lowest DPS classes mattered an absolute ton to get past the DPS checks in P8S.

    People did have to swap off of Sage, Warrior, Reaper, Machinist, and Red Mage to meet that DPS check. Claiming that it is a 'player issue' and not an issue with class balance is just disingenuous.

    However, this does really only apply to the most absolute cutting edge of progression content and the community is blowing it out of proportion. It doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, this is probably the worst class balance has ever been when it has come to progression raiding, and pretending otherwise is just silly.

  5. I'm really unsure why everyone playing this game only seems to look at raid DPS, it's only one category of DPS and doesn't tell the whole story especially for jobs without raid buffs to begin with. To analyze Samurai or Black Mage's contribution from a perspective that is basically irrelevant to them seems quite bizarre and it seems to be why people constantly think these 2 jobs are underpowered or balanced when it couldn't be further from the truth. As of now, and basically for the last several years these 2 jobs are firmly #1 and #2 in DPS contribution and feed into raid buffs by far the best, particularly Samurai. You can just compare a total party DPS with them vs without them for a more accurate picture. Like just because the Samurai is 'leeching' from raid buffs, it doesn't mean that DPS they're doing with them just disappears into a void, it still counts and should be considered lol

  6. And all of it doesn't matter anymore, because very soon ppl are geared enough to meet the dps check anyway.
    Although a bit of love for MCH would be appreciated, lol

  7. I remember when the first tier of pandaemonium came out, P2S only had a “dps check” for the first 2 weeks. Statics didn’t see enrage after that. And party finder didn’t see enrage anymore after week 5 or 6. I understand frustration about a “difficult” damage check in p8s part one. But the bosses are meant to get progressively harder. The meta doesn’t matter for anybody except week 1 clear groups. After 6-7 weeks of gear a blue parse ends up being higher than a week 1 orange.

  8. The problem isn't that this will force a meta for world first races. The problem is that it is indicative of a slacking control of overall class balance. This is the most out of whack classes have been since Heavensward. Whether or not that affects the majority of players is irrelevant. The skill floors have been raised enough to compensate the low end to be viable, while the skill ceiling on some jobs doesn't reflect their output. The fact that week one parses between DRK/GNB vs PLD/WAR is nearly 8-10% in most cases is alarming. The fact that MCH is as badly balanced as it is should be concerning.

  9. I apparently just naturally gravitate toward the jobs that are the weakest in the meta. I started with Ninja and it dropped off hard. I switched to Machinist in Shadowbringers and still main that job and now it's struggling beyond belief. My highest level tank job is the Paladin… I just recently started heavily investing my time into Sage and now I'm being told it's among the weakest of the healing jobs out there. I can not seem to settle into a job that really performs. SO I just have to say "screw it" and play what I enjoy, numbers be damned.

  10. Fundamental problem: Why do I care about mit or sustain or HPS if every encounter is designed around any tank being able to heal or survive through the specifical mechanics they need to?

    Dmg is the only thing that separates classes in a meaningful way and specifically rdps because that is the actual contribution to the raid's overall performance. Some classes are based around design philosophies that don't directly benefit them in this specific kind of content (ala MCH) but could theoretically make them excel in others (like palace or heavens).

    TLDR throughput and contribution that directly affects the dps of both you and you're peers are the only challenge in content designed around meeting those checks.


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