59 mins of running round Limsa. I tried to explore all of Limsa but started getting confused and quit. I hopefully plan on spending as much time in the other 2 nations soon. I ran the game on default settings at best since my laptop can’t handle recording and playing.
There might come a time, when the current Limsa Lominsa is just as desolate as it is here…
These videos are fascinating! I really hope the private servers get combat at some point!
Can you link where the private server is? I'd like to check it out
Back when female characters had ASS.
I'm so facinated by all I missed in 1.0. I spent most of my time in 1.0 in Gridania and Uldah. I came to Limsa once and never again lol.
You have to commend the 1.0 players for sticking with the game.
They were Warriors of Light when no one else would be. That is commendable to me. I'm in their debt for keeping the faith when they had no reason to believe.