Let's Talk: Why is World of Warcraft Floundering Against Final Fantasy XIV?

Man, I went down the rabbit hole on this one. This video was FAR LONGER before I edited it down…..

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#FFXIV #WoW #Gaming


29 thoughts on “Let's Talk: Why is World of Warcraft Floundering Against Final Fantasy XIV?”

  1. What happened to Warcraft III Reforged gives us a good idea about the care Blizzard/Activision's upper management put into their biggest franchise. At this point the devs and artist are just doing their best to do something decent while being understaffed and facing horrendous deadlines.

    It's really disheartening to see the franchise that got me into video games fifteen years ago getting milked to death by what Blizzard has become.

  2. FF14 has always been a good MMO after it was restarted with ARR, it's just that so many people get caught up in the stereotypes of the game to give it a shot. They think it is a 'weeb' game that has nothing but catgirls and anime tropes so they feel turned off by it.

    However with so many players from other MMO finally trying the game they realize you can't judge a book by its cover & see that FF14 is a very good game filled with some of the most faithful high fantasy there is in any game. It's not just about the catgirls & the anime tropes, there is so much more to the game than that. You can see it in Asmon's streams, Coh's streams, Rich's streams, & all the other content creators from other MMO how much fun they are having, how interested they are in the story, how the community reacts to them finally trying the game out.

    So many are giving the game a fair shot (minus a handful who didn't….their name shall not be mentioned) and remember what it's like to have fun in a game again.

  3. stopped playing wow when MoP came outcould tell it was going somehwere i didnt like. as for ff i just like all the story based mmos gw1/2 ff11/14 eso archage swtor pso 2 b&s and PoE. gonna do lost ark i here it story is good may actually get into black desert if they add enough pve elements. things i love about ff14 story crafing/gathering raids trials side storys gold saucer to name a few.. oh and the patch cycle!

  4. I dont know anything about Blizzard but if they make more money in China from a Chinese WoW client that plays like a grindy Korean MMO, they might be learning the wrong lessons and implementing those systems into the global client.

    Depending on how much more money they make in China, the grievances of the global players might not matter to them or hold that much weight

  5. This trend of new players will be filtered out soon. But for those that sticks around will see how good storytelling can be. To be honest, Shadowbringer is an anomaly. It is so damn good, it transcends the entire MMO genre to new heights. There is no way competing against that. Hands down, nothing can touch FF14 storytelling.

  6. And FF14 is fun WOW is a grind, when was the last time anyone had fun in wow. Look at the steamers moving over to ff14 they are laughing having fun. 🙂 I've really been enjoying myself got myself to patch 2.5 in 7 days and I don't like questing. 😀

  7. I do worry that ATV’s goal is to make WoW mobile.

    There are some issues with FF14 that I’m seeing as a sprout, but it’s nothing really core to the game. The main course (for me) is the story, various jobs, glamour, and co-op.

  8. wow is not losing against ffxiv , wow is losing against blizzard , ffxiv was the excuse to blame blizzard for this .
    ffxiv is meh game with a lot of weebs thats all .

  9. If you are a hardcore player, don't get discouraged since the boss fight at the normal level being child play. Unlock Extreme version of it and do it with minimal item level and without Echo, pretty sure that it will kick your ass for sure.

  10. First FFXIV nailed WoW then the Blizzard sexual harassments of female coworkers to the point of passing a womans nude photos around and joking about rape to cause her to commit suicide

  11. It's beyond arrogant for a$$tiblizzard to think they are better then, or 'don't wish to associate with', their biggest influencers . Which they are, whether a$$tiblizz likes it or not.

  12. One thing I don't get about the WoW story is why they are so afraid to make the bad guys actually compelling characters. Like, they want the Jailer to be Thanos, but Thanos was cool because he genuinely thought he was doing the right thing for the universe and was willing to put his money where his mouth was, even giving his own life after the snap moment.

    Why couldn't the Jailer have been the same? Why couldn't his end game literally been, "I'm going to remake the world without free will because that's the only way I can insure that everyone lives a perfectly peaceful/happy life"? Instead, he just is a megalomaniac, which makes Sylvanis look stupid by proxy.


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