FF14 Youtuber Under Fire – Reacting to Kougaon

Watch Kougaon’s vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4c4ZssXrxA

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30 thoughts on “FF14 Youtuber Under Fire – Reacting to Kougaon”

  1. idk why its so hard for ppl to respect a simple 'pls dont do this.' like if you love the voice work that actor does, then why wouldnt you keep supporting them? why would you willingly ignore their pleas to not support the AI stuff? this whole thing makes me so sad, its a craft they work so hard on to bring life to these characters, its not easy. having some software mimic you perfectly is terrifying as hell tbh

  2. Voice actors are just actors that are too ugly be on camera anyway. Keep using their AI voice. There’s no law against it and the morality is subjective. It’s no different than someone like Frank Caliendo imitating people that are public figures.

  3. There never is a situation where AI is ethical when the people whose voices are being AI’d actively speak out about against it. Either get the real VAs if possible, OR maybe hire a voice impersonator.

  4. Wait seriously? people thought it was real and or spliced? I thought it was freakin obvious that it was AI. i mean what? have people just forgot how accurate AI voices are this year or something?

  5. I admit that I thought it was drama alert drama alert… but nothing is more scummy than stealing someone's likeness… Using AI to replicate people's voices… yeah, he deserves the hate.

  6. Yah ai voices arent an issue except for those that want to grandstand on the topic. Ai is leading to improved content and hate to say it. Majority of the people dont care if AI voices are used.

  7. Nope nope nope, Don't anybody DARE attack Sufferhymn! His videos are TOP TIER quality compared to rest of the trash people put out for FFXIV… I don't even know the backstory, but I'm gonna throw hands with those who say shit about him…

  8. People have been doing things like this from the beggining of time. Whether its voices, profile pictures, tracing over someone elses art. There will probably just be stricter online laws towards forms of AI now that its more prominent but it will never actually go away. Please square enix give us more content so people arent bored enough to care about an AI ffxiv video.

  9. The amount of people who don’t care about AI voiceovers is concerning. Something like this may not seem like a big deal but think of the things people will do in the future if AI is perfected more. There are already people using AI voices to scam people, it will go even further and people will then try setting other people up and have them wrongfully accused of shit they haven’t done.

  10. Disclaimer: I have no hate for Sufferhymn and he is indeed amazing at creating great YouTube content! I just think if the FF14 VAs already said that they don’t want anyone using AI versions of their voices then just respect their wishes and not do that. ❤

    Also fyi I asked Kougaon if I could react to his vid and he said I can react to any of his vids incase anyone is going to throw that kind of shade at me. 😂

  11. Much as I love Suffer's videos, its plain how much work and love he puts into them, its his passion, its his joy, this discussion cant leave any of us cold. We had the same discussion with former Bayonetta VA, even if her story later turned out to be not quite as accurate as she wanted us to think, still: VAs already have it hard, lets not make it worse. I understand that making fun videos about your favorite game is one thing, but its a short step to giving game companies and movie makers all the wrong ideas.

  12. I said it on the original video's comments, and I'll say it here again.
    I initially just said "the humor is just not my cup of tea" thinking it was spliced recordings. But when I found out it was using AI that's when my disdain for it just went up.

    Just because someone isn't on cameo and you can't access them to do work for you, doesn't mean you can just take their voice using AI. There is no logic where that is even ethically acceptable.

  13. Also can ya’ll not shit on Pathra for doing what literally everyone is doing? React Content is hugely popular right now, especially among the tight-knit FFXIV community. We all push each other to be our best selves and hold each other accountable for bad behavior. Pathra is an exceptional third party who does not pass unjust opinions! ❤

  14. The biggest problem I have against AI is that people use it to cut corners and think its not harmful for others. One of the arguments for the Actor's strike is using A.I. to scan live actors' face and voice for a session, and then use A.I. for future use as if these companies own their likeness and sound for their own use.

  15. I think this will eventually spiral into a legal debate and we would have to draw the line on what kind of "mimicry" is okay. There are clearly talented people out there that can impersonate someone's voice to an eerie degree, but for all intents and purposes, are they not also profiting on someone's likeliness?


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