FF14 Unending Coil of Bahamut – UPR Strats – PLD PoV

I was L1 following UPR strats.

The WAR forgot to use Holmgang at the start for Plummet which is why they died. If any other tank is taking this Death Sentence then they should not invuln it. It is only acceptable for WAR to invuln it because the cooldown time is short enough that it can be ready for the start of the Bahamut phase. You should provoke as the plummet animation goes off if this is the case otherwise provoke during the Death Sentence cast.

I was killed in Tenstrike because the tank snap-shotted a few of us in the earthshaker (they were late to move). The good part about this is that it does not affect the remainder of the fight for this PoV and we had to do Grand Octet without Tank LB3 which is always a good thing to showcase.

I don’t recommend doing mid-dodges for exaflares if it’s your first-time or still doing your first few clears. Please only do this if the group/PF you’re with is ok with it.

Finally, I don’t feel like I played this fight as absolutely best as I could but this is almost never the case. I believe how I handled mitigations was nearly ideal for the encounter however. Best of luck to you and your team! I hope this video helps you!


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