Red Mage is awesome!
This is the first video of my 10 reasons to play every Final Fantasy 14 job series! Which FFXIV job should I make a video about next? Comment down below!
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All hail the Vertank
Red Mage Versure.
I LOVE RED MAGE and yes we have one of the coolest Limit Break! It's a wholesome job, truly the heart of the party and also looks fashionable as verf***I want to see a video about Dark Knight and Gunbreaker owo
You cant stop me.
I'll revive myself one day.
Im waiting on the xbox version and funny thing is Red Mage and Viera is literally what I wanted to do first. #RipHat
clicked off when you refused to step on me madge
When you say rescue, you mean Rezz rightt? Or did RDM get rescue so we can rescue folks across gaps?!
I would love to see a dancer video! It's so stylish!
Summoner next!
More like Rad Mage!
White Mage next plz! 😀
"RDM is so useful in a group! A dps with a res! what other dps can do that-! Wait, what do you mean SMN can res too??"
Red mage is definitely my favorite and has been in past FF games as well.
As I always say; RDM Supremacy o/ (I never get comms, though *Crying Noises*)
I'm new and started as a healer because I wanted to try this new thing (having a main healer in a mmo), but if healing wont' be for me I will change in dps and red mage is one of the option for me in case healing will go wrong, cause everyone says it's fun and has a pretty easy rotation and video like this are very useful for me ^^ thanks
You probably won't pick that.
Just leveled RM to 90 today by coincidence
Where is the Backflip part? RDMs can be floor tanks like DRG too…aaaaahhhhh
Red Mage Harder Than Black Mage!
"A caster on a mobility scooter'', thanks Avy now I am much more confident I will not be made more fun of as a redmage then playing my usual black mage.
I love the RDM LB3.
Verflashbang! o/
I do enjoy Summoner most of all casters, but Red Mage is so flashy and stylish that I can’t help but hop on it every so often to just dash around with a rapier and magic. Also Rezmage saves lives.
RDM really is one of the best classes in the game. Reasons listed of course.
We didn't get a highlander video. Does that mean we can get some highlander love with warrior?
Having played a smal variety of games with similar in game systems, red mage is definitely unique. I can't really think of another class/job/character that has the same kind of tempo in combat
So far my favorite job is Dark Knight, but Red Mage is probably my favorite DPS.
I love red mage and it is SO easy to glamour them. The mix matcher in me hates how good their bog standard outfits look undyed and fully complete! 😀
When going into new content with people,. I typically chose based on role…
Tank: Paladin
Healer: White Mage
DPS: Red Mage
When I feel comfortable with content I go
Tank: Dark Knight
Healer: Scholar
DPS: Bard
My favorite job in FF14 is Scholar.
I started with Scholar and I plan to end FF14 with Scholar.
I have unlocked almost EVERY class in the game I think,but Scholar is STILL my favorite.
Please do Scholar!💗💜
My favorite job is PLD! Please do PLD next! 😀
what sword is that at 1:40
RDM in FF1 was awesome. In FFXI it was out of this world brilliant. In FFXIV it's half decent.
It's still one of the 5 jobs I sort of level on multiple characters. But I personally prefer SMN, SCH and MCH in FFXIV.
My 10 reasons you should play RDM
1. I play Red Mage
2. Glamours
3-10. I play Red Mage
Started FFXIV in lockdown, and decided I wanted to do pirate-y stuff. Designed my Roe to look good as a RDM, and now I'm gonna get it for free!
Great work as always Avy.
Avys videos are the best thing to watch during Queue time 😊
That was the best representation of Verblind that I have seen so far.
And I saw people pair it together with the Skyrim intro. x)
As a Red Mage main, 10/10, will watch again.
2 is a LIE!!! On EU even doing top dps and rezing people that doesnt get you any coms :C
My most favorite jobs? Dancer, Reaper, and Red Mage!!! Love those three; but, enjoy Dragoon if I'm feeling spicy. LOL
If I had a gil for every time my team wiped because of a RDM LB3 then I would be a a true gillionaire- 💀
my rdm has ff7 cloud gear with, high tall boots. and a rdm trim hat with a feather. looks awesome died dark red
sudden unexpected forced light mode was honestly a pretty compelling reason for me to pick up the magic barbecue skewer and floating salt rock.