The truth is tanking is generally pretty easy, but it comes with a kind of stigma of leadership responsibility. New players often say “no way!” to tanking, but in this guide, I’m going to show you that you can!
__________ CHAPTERS __________
00:00 – Intro
00:59 – The Basics
01:37 – Enmity
02:33 – Preparation
02:57 – Pre-Dungeon Practice
03:57 – Rampart
04:47 – Other Mitigation
05:06 – Why Sastasha
05:46 – How To Pull
06:56 – Positioning
07:37 – Notes
Modeling and clips provided by my lovely assistant, Lenara Ashonne. Make sure to give her a wave!
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Great video and it came at the perfect time! I used to tank when I first started playing, but developed cold feet for higher level dungeons (50, 60). I didn't understand how to pull properly… I had an idea on how to do it, but I was never clear and that just contributed to nerves. Thanks for posting. I'll be sure to keep your advice close to heart from now on.
Well done instructional video for players new to ffxiv tanks
Heyo. Pro tip: Mute in game music when recording clips. The sounds like aggro noises and etc. are not a problem, but mute the music if you're gonna add your own in post. It's very messy to listen to 🙂 Example at 3:10
I really needed this because I've been mainly nervous as a tank for a while, gunbreaker is my favorite but man I can't deny playing with people feels so scary.
Nice one. 👍 It's good to get more of the player base more comfortable with tanking, but it's better if they can go in with eyes open and some basic guidance. 🙂
ok to leave out since its basically a lvl 15 guide, but always remember "arm's length" is motigation since "slow" affects attack speed
Excellent guide, my dude. Sharing it already with my new tank homies. o7
Excellent introduction! Thank You^^
I ended up tanking the MSQ because I didn't have the patience for dps queue times interrupting the story. Still need to improve pulling large groups smoothly and probably shouldn't be trusted with main/off tank swapping xD
Can't wait for the next part. Tanking us the scariest activity in this game for me and your video helps
I have lvl 57 warrior and now a fresh new DRK and I've kind of been terrified of using them in any coop content, especially trials even though trials are my favourite roulette so I've been sort of using tank guides like this to hype myself up.
Though I have not yet tanked in a trial (I barely know what's happening as DPS or Healer tbh) I want to eventually
A big thing I found that helped me out a lot with getting over my tankxiety was getting friends to come along with you if you have the option, in particular if any of them are healers.
It took a lot of that load off my chest that I knew the people I was with and that they could heal past any of my mistakes.
As a side note, it can also help to study what the tank does while you play dps or healer to see what you should be doing in general while tanking.
This came out at the perfect time for me as I've just hit lvl 15 with my first tank class. It's wild how much an 8 minute video can ease your nerves. Thanks for your hard work!