FF14 AM (Auto Marker) Drama

Viewer disclaimer: i yell and curse alot so if you 18 or below this video may not be for you. If not volume warning and enjoy the video.


9 thoughts on “FF14 AM (Auto Marker) Drama”

  1. asking PF to do omega P5 without AM is just to put all the responsibility and mental stack on one or 2 persons in the group, it is not realistic at all.

    But AM in Dragonsong or Uwu is totally unnecessary, even in PF, people just got used to it.

  2. This arthurs the streamers right? For uwu you really don't need Am unless people are fucking up but we got use to it,I didnt dragon song i have yet to step in it But from what i hear about TOP the questions can you even trust PF?

  3. The people against ACT and addons are more toxic than any mod user I've ever met (Other than the RP people, they scare me). Arthars may be good at the game, but he gets to play more often than most people. He really needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize AM, along with other mods, are here to stay. No matter how much he wants to complain. Hypocrisy like his is so damn annoying…

  4. Opinion though I think Arthars right about that AM is cheating but that's in the eyes of SE. Personally I don't care because pf is garbage so without it they will continue to do worse than it already is. Yoshi P needs to be realistic. He designed top to be AM reliant and that's not pfs fault that's their designs' fault. Yoshi P should make sure they continue to be challenged to make better fights for no use for this so nobody won't rely on AM. Arthars should know that worlds first players used so much third party to cheat through a clear before strats are public release for people to follow through to clear on their own. Dude should cut pfers some slack it's already in shambles as it is.


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