Naoki Yoshida produced an open letter detailing how Final Fantasy XIV has experienced a “staggering and unexpected” uptick in popularity recently – and all those players have put a strain on the game’s servers – leading to long queue times and difficulty creating new characters.

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00:00 Intro
00:53 The Story – Transparency from Devs is Wonderful!
08:16 The Analysis – Building the Relationship with Players


50 thoughts on “FF 14's STRUGGLE…”

  1. Maybe I got extremely lucky but each time I logged in after the wow exodus I've only had to wait at most 1 to 2 minutes and thats on the same server that asmon plays. So not sure about others but I've waited a lot longer for wow queues.

  2. The great strength FF14 has is that it's pretty much like a single player story game, if you want to play it that way, as well as being an mmo if you want it to be that. It's playing to a huge audience.

  3. Yea older ff they release concept cgi and not the actual game and Yoshi changed that. He really knows what to do is most positive for the game most times

  4. Also not to mention how welcoming we are to new players. We know how long waiting for a final boss can take from the previous expansions so we're all generally ready to help you beat the msq's etc.

  5. So thats mean that FF14 has worse freezer 1980´s servers than the Blizzard ….and on Blizzard servers like today cant be more than 40 people because of INMENSE LAG … interesting…

  6. The issue is that any apology is an admission of guilt in the legal system. It's why we are taught not to say sorry if we cause an accident. Run a red, T-bone drivers side, and there were children in the car. Do Not Apologize! It is as good as standing in front of the judge and declaring guilt.

  7. After the insane influx of players I do worry that square enix will try and cash in on it and overrule Yoshi P on future development. With their background I just hope that they will let the dev team run the game without interference.

  8. Yoshi-P has been such a huge part of the success of FFXIV and the salvation of Square as a company that he's been promoted within Square and is not only producer and director of FFXIV, he's also been given leadership of his own division (Creative Business Unit III, their logo is on all the recent FFXIV and FFXVI trailers), sits on the Final Fantasy Committee that steers the course of the franchise, was given FF16 to produce, and supposedly has a seat on the board. I recall him saying that he considers FFXIV his life's work and it's no wonder, he has cultivated a lot of personal success (although also a lot more work and responsibility) through it.

  9. Call me crazy Bellular at the same time you are excited about ff14. However I can see the pain on your face about the now more obvious failings of Blizz/Wow.

  10. As someone who left WoW for XIV during Stormblood, I think what the biggest thing that the recent WoW refugees are missing is that XIV isn't just a booming flavor of the month streaming game. Endwalker got over double the preorders of Shadowbringers before Asmon started streaming it. Shadowbringers is hailed as not just the best expansion but the best Final Fantasy game ever. And YoshiP deserves to be treated the way he does by the players. He visited my server during E3 in 2019 and it was insane. People were flooding Kugane for hours just to get a chance to take a pic of his character. He then went and tried to complete the Kugane jump puzzle and the entire data center was there, jumping along with him and cheering him on. Can you imagine Ion going to your server just to hang out and do Darkmoon Fair with you?

  11. Well i just want timely content wow patches but according to blizzard devs i am now part of the problem therefore now a sexual offender, i wonder where i went wrong 🙁

  12. They should buy the extra servers Blizz no longer needs XD

    Love to see the transparency from the devs, definitely engenders good will towards the game and the team.

  13. It's actually very surprising to me that it has taken WoW players this long to discover FFXIV. I mean, YoshiP basically asked himself what made WoW successful and then copied it verbatim. Added flying first expac? Check. Added death knights? Check. Patches and expansion schedule followed exactly to a T? Double-check. Granted, they perfected a lot of what WoW tried to do so I'm not downplaying their success at all. I was hooked for the first two years of ARR until they made bad design choices for the Bard class and I quit.

    I will say this. All the hype coming down is making me want to re-sub and see what has changed, except that my 2 million gil house is long gone because of how they held players hostage to either keeping a sub or losing your lot. Very stupid decision there, because it is an actual barrier for me to come back.

  14. since the start of Stormblood and Shadowbringer expansions they made 3 worlds in one world instances to lower the numbers in that world for example WorldA – WorldB – WorldC etc…

  15. The reason why many players including myself are satisfied with how FF14 team is handling things is that they have proved over their years that they are trustworthy and ( at least for me) they are not an American company. The US has created this toxic culture where it's ok to do anything as long as u can make money and so any "deals" I get I distrust by default because there's always a catch.

  16. I started a free trial in ff14 because of watching how excited Matt got and the community events alot of streamers have been getting when they started. Seeing player driven events and a passionate community/dev. team coming from 15 years of WoW is a breath of fresh air. Considering buying just to beat the log in boss since its getting such great reviews xD

  17. Similar thing happened in South Korea with Lost Ark. Nexon rigged weapon reinforcement systems for profit in multiple games (maplestory, mabinogi etc.) that they distributed, so gamers all migrated to Lost Ark. Lost Ark's director is well known for high willingness to communicate with the playerbase. I'm not sure how NA server will be run, but I hope Lost Ark follows FF14's footstep.

  18. I can absolutely say that it's because of Matt that I restarted FF14 after many failed attempts, but also because Michael specifically mentioned to not take it as WoW and rather as a proper singleplayer story-focused game with MMO features. I'm at the end of Stormblood and I've been LOVING my time in the game after deleting my old character who was lvl 52. I'm at level 73 now and I'm really enjoying it. Thank you for talking about it from a WoW player perspective and how to approach the game.

  19. I didn't know she wrote Rogue! That is wonderful. I think she did the Scholar, too, and that's my favorite. Never feel behind – there are always people doing content all the way through.

  20. Square Enix is restricting CHARACTER CREATION (they dont allow you to play their game cause of population balance!!!)
    Meanwhile in WoW…70% Horde,30% Alliance…all good!
    "Hey do you want to transfer to that VERY VERY VERY FULL server with huge login queues on patch days etc? Sure,I'll take your money"

  21. Lets just admit, Blizzard and Square Enix are polar opposites, as far as WoW and FF14 are concerned. This in contrast show the stark difference In attitude between U.S based game studios and European based studios.

  22. This is the same game that recently a few weeks ago ran out of VIRTUAL KEYS on the square enix page, HOW the fuck do you run out of virtual keys?!, that's how successful this game is currently.
    Congratulations to the FFXIV team!, I never thought I'd see the day when WOW would lose the title of "king of the MMO" (Though it is also in big part their own fault).

  23. Aussie here leveling on the Japanese servers in anticipation of the oce servers… I jump on after work and the queues are 10-20 long… on the weekend there’s a queue from about 9am onwards… lol glad I didn’t go US.

  24. The ffxiv Dev team is absolute gold, imo ANY gaming company looking to make it; take pointers from Yoshi P's team. They care so much about their players and team, and we, in turn, love him and his team and are happy to pay for the game and wait for content. Because we KNOW the content WILL come, unlike….other companies.

    Edit: I don't understand anyone who doesn't have "anything to do" in ffxiv; the content and stories are almost endless.
    Main Story Quest
    You can level EACH job on 1 character, each job has a quest (This is both combat and crafting)
    Beast Tribe quests and stories
    Each Raid has a story as well
    Golden Saucer
    Chocobo racing
    And that's just a few I can think of. I'm sorry, but you don't have "nothing to do", you "don't want to do anything", there's a difference.


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