FEMALE HROTHGAR REVEAL! FFXIV DAWNTRAIL January 14, 2024 by SarahJane LIVE https://www.twitch.tv/sarahjane Send Me Videos https://discord.sarahjanettv.com/ ——————————————————————————————– Socials https://linktr.ee/SarahJaneAFK Patreon https://www.patreon.com/SarahJaneAFK Website https://bit.ly/2ZvW4Ny Subscribe https://bit.ly/32n62m1 ——————————————————————————————– #ffxiv #ff14 source
It looked epic until it panned to the face and then it was just: derpThey need to work on those fur textures Reply
It looked epic until it panned to the face and then it was just: derp
They need to work on those fur textures
Not a big fan. Yet. But this is pretty early, I have no doubt it'll look a lot better