NEWER VIDEO!!! Tbh i felt this one had ALOT more detail and i LOVED it. Ive found i really loved Warrior and Summoner… ARE THESE GOOD CHOICES??? and did i mess up with bard?? lol
OG video:
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❤️ JUST AN FYI – AM NOT NEW TO FF, but i am new to Lore. I rushed through before to play with friends in end game and remember nothing as i really wasnt interested and was maining world of warcraft at the time. Left shortly after due to a bad experience in game. This time i have chose to watch every trailer, cinematic and cutscene to experience lore, learn jobs, mechanics and to actually try the game properly. So basically a oldie noob xD Hope that clears a few things 🙂
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Dancer made me think of Xena Warrior Princess
I got a little annoyed at first, cause they ratted on Black Mage, then they put the job in the S tier, so i kept watching. i get the joke.
they break down the jobs pretty well.
Some notes. Blackmage actually has a stupid easy rotation, and has much more movement based into the class then listed here. The issue comes in, esspecially for new players, is that at level 50 your a fire mage from wow (Spam fire 1 for fire 3 procs *pyro procs*, cast flare for a finisher then go back to ice). Then at level 60 it completely changes, which is a heck of a speed bump for people to deal with.
If your looking for easy, try summoner. It's like playing the FF14 version of a BM hunter. Way more then 3 buttons, but it's very simple and easy to manage.
If your looking for other roles that are easy I'd recommend:
Tank: Warrior – It's like Blood DK but with lich king levels of healing, your crazy hard to kill in dungeons once you get Raw Intuition at level 56.
Melee Dps: Dragoon – Melee DPS all suffer from a long overcomplicated DPS rotation, but at least dragoon's is static where you do a buff/DoT rotation, then a hard hitting rotation. Also this video is still out of date, the "jump" is now a ranged attack, you don't physically move unless you actually use your gap-closers.
Ranged DPS: Bard – Very simple proc based class. Just remember to always have your songs playing when you get them. Loads of new people fall into a trap thinking their songs are cooldowns, they aren't, they're ment to be on a rotation. 🙂
Magic DPS: Already mentioned summoner.
Healer: White Mage: It just works, and you have the best trash utility AOE. At level 45 you get holy which is a spammable 4 second STUN AOE. It's about 7 seconds of trash stun when taking into account stun resist, resulting in no damage being delt to the tank. Very good. 🙂
Also every class is S tier, unlike other MMO's this game actually has properly balanced classes. XD
i still defo don't know what to main
DRK is the job story line that put Ishikawa on the map and put her in charge of Shadowbringers and Endwalker storylines. It's absolutely recommended to at least run the DRK job storyline just to discover how she got to where she is now.
Drg is still the easiest for me
All you do is 2 rotations, jumping, and boost healer dps for the funny
Summoner is the easiest caster by far, I was using it for the first 2 savage raid tiers of this expansion and it really show. Good damage, simple rotation. If you want to focus on ranged dps, that's most likely the best option.
So fun thing about Summoner is that by leveling it you also level your Scholar and vise versa.
As a BLM main, i approve it being S tier 😂. I often say if you learn the fight timings on BLM, you learn them on every job.
Bard isn't as complex as they're making it out to be, as you just have to keep your songs going and your dots up. I honestly have more trouble with Dancer.
Warrior is the best tank to learn on, though i highly recommend picking up DRK if only for the story.
DRG is probably the best melee to learn on. GCD is a little slower, so you can learn how to weave OGCDs into your combos. Also, it has problems the best story of the ARR jobs. Though i do recommend doing it during ARR.
Started with arcanist/summoner and pretty easy to understand and enjoy. Been sticking with it all the way to end of heavensward (working on finishing it now) while still giving other jobs a feel.
Eventually you main every job in this game 😂. Great video!
Class complexity is only an issue if you are buying a boost, or of you are constantly switching classes doing savage or ultimate content. If you level normally you will be drip-fed abilities and will learn how to play the class, no need to fear.
warriors….come out to plaaaaayay
The video is slightly outdated. Machinist gained a utility skill which buffs party defenses. It is clearly not as support oriented as Dancer, but at least it is no longer a totally selfish DPS. The video compared it to the reaper for the burst damage phase. I see where he is coming from, but personally I prefer the Machinist on this. Both are fast paced, but the Machinist simply has more opportunities to trigger it on bosses. Often when the boss has some weird phase in which you have to run around to avoid series of AoEs, you can actually do your burst damage with the Machinist whereas the reaper can only run around. And that feels really good to pull off.
as a warrior main this is soo accurate lol
I'm a WAR main and I have to say its crazy strong. You lost some health HA no you didn't bloodwhetting.
I would recommend pld as a tank just because it's among the most self sufficient, while also helping the others. Smn is a gread starting DPS job and at end game is so much fun to see what you summon. Plus you get a free healer with smn. So you all set for tank healer and magical dps, now you only need a melee and a ranged dps and you have all the job role quests covered, which are amazing. Nut yeah smn being 2 in 1 is a must, although it might not be from the next expansion, though donno how they will work it in.
Still think you need to watch 'all' of the JoCat Crapguides in order 😀
As a Tank main I have to say it's probably the easiest role in the game. Tanks are so strong currently that it simply becomes a case of turn stance on and turn brain off.
You pretty much self sustain yourself just by doing your basic combo. Use cooldowns on 3 or more mobs and on Tankbusters during boss fights. You also get fast queues for roulettes which is always nice.
A lot of people get put off with the responsibility of tanking, but it's really that easy, point boss north and only move if an aoe is gonna hit you, then face it north again. No fancy movement or rotation needed.
One thing I will say for lower levels on any job, if you can get your hands on some Hi-Potions for cheap off the marketboard [they are usually practically free] you will be flying.
It's a 440HP heal every 22s which is pretty much a cure from a healer. At lower levels you have less tools to sustain yourself and are more likely to run in to less experienced healers so you can help yourself and them out by popping an emergency heal. I don't see enough players do this. The rest of the potions have longer cooldowns and aren't really worth it but at low level the small 22s cooldown on this potion is a godsend. I don't leave home without a few hundred of these and the new level 90 potions.
Also if you are above level 15 on any job please do the Rising event in Uldah asap. It will only be available for 2 more weeks and it has an incredible free mount as a reward. Once the quest is gone it wont be back. It's the 10 year anniversary one.