Ex-WoW Gladiator's First Impressions of PvP in 6.1 (FFXIV)

What do YOU think could make Crystalline Conflict the best PvP on the market?

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40 thoughts on “Ex-WoW Gladiator's First Impressions of PvP in 6.1 (FFXIV)”

  1. A thing I feel that the new PVP does is actually encourage PvP players to play through the story of FF14. If they are starting out as newbies coming from other MMO's, they will feel naturally incentivized to play through story content to unlock new classes for PvP. It's genius in a way because it encourages people to play through all aspects of the game and lets them actually try out content in between their next crystaline conflict.

    Got to say, rather impressed overall

  2. Actually, ur ideas do sound bad lol. Those all would imbalance it severely and put new players at a great disadvantage and put off by trying pvp.

    I think the next updates need to be innovative not stat increases. They are going the way of strategy, skill, and accessibility.

    I can walk away from a match thinking well that other player on the same job simply performed better than me. Fair enough.
    Gah, I don't Care to think about howd I feel about losing or even winning because a player on the same job had access to extra stats or different skills. No thanks.

    Can you imagine that they got Pvp hyped in a (for the most part) Non-pvp centered community. I wouldn't try to deter that projection with adding convoluted systems.

    Ppl always bring up the point that it's only single que. That's not a point. The devs are not ignorant to it. It's a brilliant decision actually as rn Is the right time to get ppl involved and get them trained. The solo que absolutely helps mixing good players with weaker ones and in the future pvp will be even better with experienced ppl.

  3. Well, I was bad at pvp before, so this new Crystaline Conflict is way beyond my abilities. There is no way to practice before you go in. Basically you are thrown to the wolves like a piece of meat. There is no way to ask for help, since all you have are a few preset chat phrases. Not even a 'Help me, I'm lost' phrase. I tried like a dozen or more matches, but have only won 1, and that is in casual mode. Once again I see SE pandering to the better players while leaving us casuals in the dust. I would love to get the new armor set, but I would have to endure hundreds of defeats to get it. Hardly worth it. I'll just stick to frontline until I no longer have a job to level, then it's goodbye pvp. Thanks for nothing SE.

  4. Me and one of my long-time friends have loved pvp in ffxiv for years now. We never did much feast but tons of Frontlines almost every day we play. The new mode and changes have been spectacular overall, but I do sincerely feel that even just a duo queue for casual only would go a long way to making the mode even more enjoyable

  5. PVP rank in the FFXIV as of right now has no value whatsoever. Im platinum, but thanks to that you cant go any lower when you get to a new tier. that fucks up everything for me really. Because people who has been lucky with a good streak at the beginning will get high up and still suck even if they are a high rank. And i have seen player that are lower rank then me that has outsmart me at times and are good and have seen stupid idiots which is close to the highest rank which are absolute trash.

    I really cant handle players who only cares about there k/d and not doing the objective so we win. Or follow a player with low HP, from the start to there base to then die and spam regroup in the chat. They have to change stuff about the rank to make it more meaningful so it feels like you deserve it and also being able to play with 1 or 2 friends if you want to aswell.

  6. PvP is way better now, it’s crazy how much a casual mode with battle pass and PvP incentives can take this game. Build upon it with more game modes, duo/group rank separate from solo and minor balance tweaks. Also one thing I hated previously was how OP healing was, now you can actually kill someone as opposed to hoping the healer messes up their combo or whatever.

  7. I think allowing queuing with friends should only be for ranked since it'll be the competitive scene and communication in any competitive scene is important and casual should remain solo queue so casual doesn't get filled with groups just wiping the floor with other teams. Also another nasty combo is ninja and dragoons limit break put together not to mention also playing as SMN 1v1 a DRG I was destroyed in seconds after the start and he didn't even us a limit break. Might be me but it seems SMN is a little weak but can provide nice support with a shield and Phoenix limit break i dont even use buhamut cause it just feels underwhelming.

  8. All the PvP modes need to seperate premade groups and solo queue, it's so bad in Frontlines especially. I love CC so far, it badly needs job balancing but it's very fun. Hopefully they can revamp the other modes as well because it's wild how much better CC is than all other PvP in the game.

  9. I don't think we need stats for motivation. Exclusive Mounts, Titles, Adventurer Plates, and Transmogs for higher ranks/(and some purchasable by currencies for the players who aren't pro) would be more than enough to motivate me. Keep the stats out of it for balance imo.

    I agree on quick patches. I personally don't think "perfect balance" should ever be a goal. Perfect balance will never happen. Instead, they should just be sure to buff up the weak classes and nerf the strong ones to keep the meta fresh. The worst thing is to stay on one meta for too long and everyone gets tired of it. Trying to solve the meta is what makes PvP games fun at the high level imo. So it's no fun if the meta gets old and stale and is mostly solved. Doubly so if it's imbalanced.

    I think for group play there should be 2 queues. 1 solo only queue. And 1 group queue for players in groups of 2s, 3s, or 5s (no 4s/1s). That way you will never get solo players feeling taken advantage of by better communication. With how popular CC has been and how unrestricted the roles are, I don't see queue times being too big of a problem.

  10. ffxiv made me reinstall wow to arena. the no way to communicate and solo que kinda kills it for me. also a multi glad player yes im probably not as good now since been awhile from wow, but id love to be able to like communicate or like que with freinds?

  11. I disagree with needing any bonus for PvP via gear as a form of motivation for people to play. I can tell you right now what will work and motivate people; special glam. Look at Ultimates for example. Some of the greatest looking weapons in the game and they have a feeling of prestige because you have to clear the most difficult content in the game to receive them. And they don't provide any stat bonuses. But do you know what they DO provide? They give the ability for people to show off. That's a huge part of FF14's community. Glamor and the ability to show it off to fellow Eorzeans.

    Back in Vanilla WoW, I grinded to Grand Marshal for months to get the Grand Marshal's Greatsword. The stats were NOT important to me, it was the LOOK! I know I'm definitely not alone in this either. So what they should do is for higher ranking rewards add some cosmetic gear that you can only receive at X rank and leave it at that. That way the strong don't get stronger and the weak have a chance of actually beating them – as it should be.

    TLDR: For PvP rewards, allow players to get to X rank and receive a cosmetic weapon/gear that's on the same graphical and design level as the Ultimate weapons.

  12. TBH, some of these improvement ideas don't sound good.

    -I understand that you come from a MMO background where these things are common, but ideas such as uneven gear for newer vs older players are either completely absent or used more for the breadth of tools available (such as in Guild Wars competitive). The idea that gear can offer "hope" for players makes no sense to me because the players that need that hope the most (newer players) just can't accurately tell the impact of small gear changes easily. It almost always boils down to the smart players recognizing that those small differences aren't make or breaking your gameplay, but those that aren't like that instead blaming those small differences for why they're losing. None of the advantages are present in those cases.

    -Talent/passive customization is a bit more common and understandable (it actually matches what I said about breadth of tools available), but you can't actually make them too simple, such as +5% damage or +5% tankiness. The claim that there is no optimal way to play that out makes no sense because there is one – you just don't adjust your playstyle in response because the impact they have on choices made in the game are limited. What's important, if more complexity needs to be added for higher tier players, is that the choices being added need to affect in-game behavior more actively. And it's not clear whether CC has the design space to handle that.

    -I think ultimately, CC has very different design goals than WoW PvP, and the concept of keeping veterans around should be designed around that. Honestly, WoW might have the best PvP for the MMO scene, but it's a small drop in the bucket compared to ALL PvP games in general, and a lot of WoW's PvP goals only work in the context and audience of that game. Granted, part of the issue with CC is that it also can't take ideas from non-MMO PvP games wholesale either (it simply doesn't have the circumstances that a MOBA might, for example, so it can't compete on depth alone). But I don't think taking ideas such as gear grind from WoW is the solution either.

  13. I disagree about armor Stat bonuses or changing how a job feels to fight. With it as easy as a button press between matches to change jobs to have a completely diffrent playstyle.

  14. As someone who just straight up hates pvp in general, not just 14’s, I’ve actually had a ton of fun this last week. I really hope they don’t lose the momentum they have with pvp now and keep adding more stuff. More CC maps and hopefully they can add new modes.

  15. Healers can heal? Eeeeeeeeeh, not SCH and I main that on PvP. SCH is lacking if they wanted this to be full support job for PvP. Horrible on it’s healing. It’s limit break mostly situational. Biolysis…..well…..weak on DoT. Aldo……weak on shield/heal. Mummification……eeeeh.

    SCH needs a slight change on its tools. A 1k buff potency on biolysis. 1K buff on Aldo. Mummification needs to be a 6 yalm AoE that can hit at a distance instead of a cone at close range. I don’t want to melt just to give ppl a 25% recovery nerf. That’s the main thing I can’t to see SCH change to be a viable job for PvP since it’s not a powerhouse as the other healers.

  16. I disagree with adding even more complexity, gear and options into this pvp.
    It's good now because you just go in and is extremely casual friendly.
    Adding even more complexity is even more barrier to entry.

  17. I really do not want them to make gear that changes stats at all in pvp. Group/team ques is such a tricky thing. You do not want two different ques as that splits the player base even more then CC/FL does. Yet so many people want to que with their friends or pre mades to get the ranks easier. I just hope what ever is done that solo que is not touched.

  18. They used to have gear that gave you stats bonus and it was horrible. This was way back in lvl 50 days. It's a cool idea but it just ends up being getting beat on until you can finally kill someone. It was a cool idea but just didn't work out in practice

  19. Yes add more! god I swear people are afraid to try and learn past the same strats, there is a group of people who want to deep dive into pvp but the current state needs to be added upon more the very nature of PvP isn't casual and needs you to learn and adapt like learning a new hero, fighter in a fighting game or weapon loadout. Pvp while fun in current ffxiv pvp really isn't that deep, variety can be done we'll and sadly that needs a lot of changes and reforms otherwise of things just stay the same its not going to be fun, variety is the spice of life and effort/time put in should equal rewards in better play and rewards.

  20. Yes, PvP is better than was but it doesn't mean that pvp in ff14 isn't dogshit.

    Problem is with engine itself. Delay of animations and clunky gameplay is not good thing for supporting PvP in general.

  21. I love your insight, Despi.

    But I certainly don't agree with the idea of traits/personalization, that makes the game mode (pvp) even more difficult to balance, and then again, even tho your idea of 5% here or there is not meta breaking, there will be always people that will go for specific builds and so on.

    Same with the +1% damage idea from the set. I get what you say about having a sense of progression as you play but again, I think one of the great things about pvp in FFXIV is that gear does not matter AT ALL. This was something that made impossible for me to enjoy pvp at max level at WoW. So, no, thank you x)


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