Every Dark Knight Skill from Every Expansion – FFXIV Job Retrospective

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20 thoughts on “Every Dark Knight Skill from Every Expansion – FFXIV Job Retrospective”

  1. I remember having fun with Blood Price. Doing massive pulls in dungeons and just getting so much resource to just spam AoEs. I know I was one of the dudes who didn't worry about minimizing Grit uptime, so I had fun with all those skills.

  2. I like the EW iteration of DRK. Aside from the aesthetics, I enjoy the high APM in burst, build and spend nature, short cooldowns, and how TBN plays into all that.

    The reception of this job has been the wildest in this expansion as well. Pre-EW launch was full of doomposting. During the first few weeks, it was pure doomium performance-wise. Then more and more started to realize how cracked the job is in the EW encounter design. I think it went over a lot of people's heads that the other tanks got buffs to keep up with DRK, especially with damage. Despite the buffs, DRK is still favored in parsing groups and speed clears.

    Design-wise, everyone wants a different flavor of this job. Each expansion has been different from each other as well. ShB to EW was kinda the only exception here. EW mostly just ironed out some kinks of the job. In most communities I've been to, people just argue with you if you like the job design even if you admit the job can still be improved on.

  3. I legit dropped DRK because I couldn't take another expansion of soul eater combo for another 2 years and all the stuff they took away and DIDN'T REPLACE. I really hope they fix it next expansion…

  4. Every time time you release one of I'm reminded of how much I miss every job having their own stun and 20% mit animation. I know it's a small thing, but I miss that.

  5. I unlocked Dark Knight maybe a few months after Shadowbringers dropped so I never got to experience the older versions and while I won't say I want the old DRK back in terms of how it played/felt since idk what that was like, I watched a vid on all the removed animations and getting some of those back would be really nice. They just look so much cooler than what we have now. Seeing stuff like Power Slash, Dark Arts, and Dark Passenger's animations integrated into our new skills or maybe even some animation upgrades for our current skills would be real nice if we can never get the actual skills back. Like don't get me wrong, Shadowbringer is a cool Cecil reference but you can't even see the full effect of it most times (and Eventide's animation is better for a skill with that name imo)

  6. Defensively, DRK WAS terrible in HW, the only reason anyone took it is because of its damage in an era where DPS checks were the tightest they have ever been, the WAR just took the hits because WAR has always (sans 2.0) been defensively monstrous. There was almost nothing that you would actually use Dark Mind on so that's a moot point, PLD was strictly superior at taking hits for the majority of the expansion.

  7. Still miss HW and SB era way more than ShB onwards. Raided with it the whole time including ultimates back then, then barely raided with it after the major revamp. So much of what has been kept over from those days are so watered down for accessibility. Love it in PvP tho!

  8. I actually wanted to point out as well that during Stormblood pre-UCOB, because of the general skill level of DRK players since it had a decently high skill-floor, they were often locked out of random PF groups. This was largely due to general community sentiment and lots of reddit/forum threads at the time saying DRK was bad and not meta.

    For example, at the time before I had started my savage experience, only 1/10 EX farm groups would let you join as a DRK. They were more often than not locked to WAR/PLD only. It was like this until the doomer community opinion on DRK started shifting once world first UCOB had a DRK in their lineup.

  9. As someone that only started playing in shadowbringers, heavensward drk seems real interesting

    there's parts of its kit that are a little weird, but just interacting more with its MP is the precise thing I think the job needs right now

  10. I want Dark Arts back just more situational than it was in SB where it was used most GCDs. Eukrasia is basically the same thing but done more situational making it feel much better.


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