Got a little excited about Warcraft 9.2 – Eternity’s End initially… then I reflected back on what saga it was actually ending and how it just doesn’t thematically fit at all.
Eternity’s End – Developer Preview | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands –
See you all in Endwalker! To the moon!
#warcraft #shadowlands #endwalker #ffxiv #wow #blizzard #blizzardentertainment #shadowbringers #finalfantasy
I will remember ff14, the plot was pretty good.
Is it me? Or did they rip off the Vath/Gnath from FFXIV? At @2:04
Yoshi P: Endwalker is the end of an eleven year old saga.
Wow: Eternity's End is also our end of a saga of the first chapter of the third book of the fourth series of books in the entire 568 series of books.
is it just me or does the new zone look like slime rancher. just laying that thought out
I think WoW's only hope of redeeming it's spotty, convoluted story is if they nuke it and pull a full on Realm Reborn. The problem is though, they're already so deep into the game's cosmic lore that there's no longer a ceiling for them to break through and grow beyond.
Copy paste, recycled designs. "We come in to this Alien land, its completely white foggy, we'r walking on water for some reason". wtf?.
So just to be clear 9.2 is gonna pretty much be the ending of the shadowlands expansion? I just find it funny that both blizzard and square enix have both suffered from covid restrictions in their respective game development (wow and ffxiv) but endwalker is gonna be square enixs biggest expansion yet despite not having near the amount of money blizzard is given, meanwhile, shadowlands as a whole is gonna be exactly like WoD a small rushed expansion with little effort or sense story-wise. Just makes me annoyed for not trying FFXIV sooner
0:43…thats Final Fantasy 10 music XD i see what you did there
It just click the reason I always hated the aesthetic of WoW even when I played, it's Butt Rock in pixel form. Thank you for this gift.
Did she really say, "You're walking on water *for some reason?*" I can't say I'm inspired to learn more. I've spent the last days going around The First, genuinely sad to leave it behind, watching videos of people seeing it for the first time. But anyway, there's an absolutely bizarre lack of continuity in Warcraft, and I think there always was. Characters change for no real reason, there seems to be no real thread. I do not miss it. It wasn't my first game, though I think it was my first MMO (only because I couldn't get Ultima Online to work on my PC back then) But I never loved it this way. I think that lack of depth or meaning is why.
Zereth Mortis looks like it would be fun if it was Banjo Kazooie levels instead.
Lol, that FFX music during Lich King part ngl its sick
Hmm, out of context, showing WoW fans a trailer of a Paladin on the moon might seem a bit over the top and full of itself. Even though we as the players know exactly why we're there.
The jailer was behind everything! We totally didn't just pull that from our ass a year ago bro's, i-it was all planned back in WC3!!! Stop laughing I'm super cereal!
What I don't understand about that developer preview, and this is coming from a hobby writer more than just an ffxiv player, is why the fuck are they spilling lore as if their players won't understand shit and connect these points themselves? It's like writing a novel, you just finished the penultimate chapter and the enemy plans are about to be revealed but then some random chapter insert happened to be in between and it pretty much tells you what the big bad's plan is, where you're going, why big bad is possibly going there of all places, oh and there's these worldbuilding info too regarding inhabitants of these places – all before you read the actual plot of the next chapter. It's just….if they want players to start caring about their plot now, this is the worst possible way to do it.
lol these videos are cringe and i never played wow, you just keep comparing things that aren't comparable
i'm dead LOOOL
I just don't like the idea of having to buy a damn book to understand the story
I feel so bad for warcraft players.
looking at wow now, i feel i need to break out into Disney song. wonder is Disney own Actvison Blizz, could explain allot.
Do you guys not have water to walk on?
Seriously, how can they call it an end to a saga that started in WC3? There was no foreshadowing or evidence of anything in this expac in previous expansions or games. It just all happened and then they told us "Oh ya all these important character in Shadowlands are attached to these things in the lore" out of nowhere. Like the Jailer apparently being the creator of the helm of domination, or Sire Denathrius apparently being the one who created the Nathrezim race. There were no hints or foreshadowing of those things. They're just tacked on.
Also, three acts? Where do they get three acts from?
Honestly, I was really amazed by the art and concepts in Shadowlands, Revendreth was my favorite ever in the whole game with its gothy, european style! I had tons of fun in the zone while questing. As well as other zones of the xpac, they were unique and interesting. But…they just didn't mesh together and the story…you know abot it lol. WoW's art was always top tier (chef's kiss) and in this patch it also looks good, truly! But if the story is confusing, unfortunately, art can't save it from all the valid critizism it received. (Is there now after-afterlife??? so many questions)
Honestly that whole wow presentation would have been way more effective without people talking about it. Just show flyover of the zones, put some emphasis on the creatures that inhabit it, some action shots of the dungeons and raids and you're good to go. Maybe have part of it showing the art for the tier sets with a text overlay saying "TIERED SETS RETURN" or something over it. Show, don't tell. Let people speculate and discuss what they see. The FFXIV trailers are so much better at that.
Alien enviermonte that you have never seen befor:shows generic Fantasie zone with robo chicken in it
Ff14: our alien envioerment is the moon where you fight maw centepids other horros that want to end the world. (and also have an ancient creator species that speaks in musicalish language)
yep somes up it entirely world of war disney next?
Sure, explain to us why we have to do stuff, what is going on and why we should be excited about it, the game itself can't do it.
The true ACT I see here is that they are pretending like this was all planned. As if this entire story was woven together through from Warcraft III through BC, WotLK, Cata, Panda, legion, etc, etc to the Shadowlands expansion. I don't frankly buy the act. As a writer, the only way I can see this was a true, cohesive story is if it was written by a congress of baboons crazed on crystal meth whilst working on a crashing plane in a hurricane.
Who can end a saga better?
The thing that makes ff xiv so good is its devs. They listen and care so much about their project. I've never seen any square devs put this much love and passion into a game. Creative business division 3 could really revive the mainline single player games too
The issue is that Legion built on 10+ years of Warcraft lore. Mists of Pandaria built on 10+ years of Warcraft lore. WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands took established lore, tore it to shreds, retconned shit into oblivion, and then propped itself up as more important than anything that had come prior. Shadowlands takes the stories that have come before, SHOVES them aside, and says "LOOK HOW IMPORTANT I AM, I'M SOOOO IMPORTANT AND WORLD-CHANGING, EVERYTHING YOU KNEW IS WRoOooOOoOONG, you should REALLLLLLY BE BE PAYING ATTENTION BECAUSE THIS IS ALL THE BEST STORY THE BEST WE'VE EEEVER HAD"
Legion gave us the return of every single major player of the Burning Legion, Alleria and fucking Turalyon, old favorites and die-hard characters like Illidan Stormrage, filled the Class Hall stories to the BRIM with characters that come from across the entire lexicon of Warcraft lore, and ended with giving us THE TITANS AND FUCKING SARGERAS
WoD could have been interesting if they didn't cut corners and give up half-way through. The time-travel bullshit was stupid, not because they went with a time-travel plot, but because they did a shit job of explaining it ("Oh hey also there's only one Burning Legion across all timelines and realities good luck wrapping your head around that and no we won't be explaining it GG bye"). BFA was a botched poorly-forced faction-war story before side-winding into reducing N'zoth to a side-villain. Shadowlands literally has Edgington Edgeworth, Edgelord of Edginborogh acting as a bootleg Arthas. When the WoW team is working with a shit product, their only recourse is to hype it up unnecessarily because they have nothing of substance to advertise. They sold us WoD with an eager smile on their faces. They sold us BFA with a shit-eating grin. And now they're selling what is left of the WoW community the last chunk of Shadowlands, with a spiteful and soulless grin.
Ngl, the use of Jecht's theme on that Lich King scene was badass
Leave it to Blizzard to turn death in a joke, I guess?
Why the new zone is actually Guild Wars 2 Starting Zone of Asura race?
Comparing an Expansion with a Patch isnt that good.
Unlocked a long forgotten memory of ffx lol
But… Floating trees very new very original… pay no mind to nagrand back from 2007
The best thing about Battle for Azeroth and Maldlands is that they feel like pointless filler arcs, it’s clear at this point that WoW writers simply never cared to begin with, to me WarCraft story ended with WC3, even Wrath story was meh in comparison