Emet-Selch is a True Hero: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers

I continue my Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers journey and we are graced by giga-chad himself: Emet-selch.

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21 thoughts on “Emet-Selch is a True Hero: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers”

  1. Let me just say I'm glad you started playing this game. I loved watching all your other mainline FF videos but XIV is sooooooo good. Welcome to Eorzea hero. Keep the FF XIV content coming!

  2. You didn't realize what Zenos was doing when he did it in the ending of Stormblood? It was foreshadowed in the scene where Merlwyb kept killing the sahagin priest who just kept jumping bodies.

  3. FeElInGs ToT
    Also, ::Spoilers for people who havent gotten to where you are now::
    you asked 'how,' about Zenos' shenanigans. There's a few vague and unexplained cutscenes during Stormblood post-msq of a mysterious man picking up a katana and one or two of him like, meandering about mysteriously. (i dont rmbr if its specifically stated anywhere or shown, but the implication at least is Zenos used the Resonant to like, escape his body before death or something like that, or did what the ascians did and returned from the Rift and took a corpse body as a puppet)

  4. Not wanna be mean but yshtolas supposed deaths pile up and I wouldn't even care if she dies, it doesn't have the same impact anymore.
    1st ARR tto go into the life stream
    2nd Stormblood sliced by zenos
    3rd Shadowbringers jumping off going into aetherstream again
    After the first time in the life stream she had risks and lost her eyesight but yet she just borrows aether and sees anyways while thancred is fucked for life. It's just bad writing since she became the simp point for FF fan boys. She was my fav character in heavensward, a shame what they did with plot armor and all. If she had another near death scene in the new expansion I'd seriously won't have any reaction, I don't need to see her half naked Form in every other expansion.
    Just give her some respect back and a story arc I actually care about

  5. I believe that Emet-Selch believes that his actions are heroic, but all the same, there have been seven rejoinings, with seven entire worlds and everyone living there destroyed. The First only has 1/10th of its surface habitable now, and Emet-Selch would kill them all to bring back the world of old. To quote an old meme, "Cool motive. Still murder." I get that his goals are noble, but his methods are not. I sympathize with Emet-Selch, I truly do. I wish that we could all live in peace, where he could get back his world and we could continue living in harmony. Sadly, Emet-Selch's way of going about things does not make this possible. He may be the hero of his own story, but he's still a dangerous foe. He is always plotting, in his own words, "every hour of every day," to bring about our end for the sake if his own goals. Are these the markings of a true hero? I don't think so. A complicated and sympathetic villain, yes, but still a villain. Just my perspective.

  6. Ardbert is without a doubt my favorite character. Just seeing that cutscene of Minfillia leaving him to walk Norvrandt for a century being invisible breaks my heart. The Ascians did him so dirty but he’s literally your soulmate so he got his revenge in the end. 5.2/5.3 wrapping up Feelsbringer left me a hot mess from crying for 10 hours straight. I thought I was done but then the scene with Seto popped up and I had to stop. Holy shit, very little makes me feel the way this expansion has.


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