Don't do that to the sprouts! #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv #ff14memes #ffxiv


22 thoughts on “Don't do that to the sprouts! #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv #ff14memes #ffxiv”

  1. As a former sprout I had a mentor rage at me for using rescue on him.
    He said it was because it seriously hurts his dps. And that I shouldn't rescue melee unless they ask.
    Okay, good luck typing that out in time, and prat my reaction time is good enough.
    And you can't dps if you are floor tanking.
    I'll continue to trust my intuition l, even if I don't always make the right. Thank you, have a good day.

  2. I must seriously have bad luck but every single tank with a mentor symbol above their head I've ever encountered has been an utter jack ass. Not one word of help or advice just screaming at sprouts who mess up.

  3. I'm in a weird spot as a mentor because I love helping sprouts but I suck at the game. I'm always nervous people are judging me more harshly because I'm terrible. But I always help the sprouts to know what to do, even if I fail the mechanics myself lol

  4. I’m always ready to rage on a mentor. Because 90% of the time they’ve been a big try hard, rushing ahead in Sastasha for no reason, pulling packs while the sprout tank has no idea, and basically just being a “look at me I’m special” douchenozzle. But when they start insulting the sprouts? I flag for PvP instantly

  5. So I already love helping sprouts, but I never want to be a mentor. However, me being a mount hunter, it's an inevitability. I just pray I can last a few months before I start tearing people new asses.

  6. when I first started the game and knew nothing, I tried talking to multiple mentors to try and figure things out, but they were all cold to me. Turns out people just want the crown for the icon and not to help people 😅

  7. Do mentors normally talk to/help sprouts… ive almost finished shadow bringers and had about 2 people ever say anything to me it practically feels like a single player game with an awsome story so far

  8. I'm not a very talkative mentor… unless I see someone struggling and/or dying to a mechanic over and over. Then I will help and/or try to explain as best I can (if I'm familiar with it, of course).

    I joined a PF for Titania EX last night. The poor sprout kept dying to the fire punch because they didn't stand in the water rune, so I explained it and we had no issues after that.

    I am definitely not the "OMG you suck pls watch a video or smth" kind of mentor. Hell, I watch videos and STILL fail mechanics. lol

  9. Man things have changed so much. I first started playing around 2017 and i remember higher level players would briefly summarize mechanics and ask if I knew what to look out for at the start of every dungeon (I’d tell them that I was new). I took a 3-4 year break and came back recently. Tried a couple dungeons and the vibe is definitely different. Seems like everyone wants to just speed run (which i can understand but dear goodness, can we go a little slower so i can actually press the right buttons in time) 🥲

  10. Omg i had a tank pull when the off tank was in a cutscene and I about screamed (i was healing). Gave the OT a comm and apologized for the rest of the party that pulled AFTER i said 'we have a cutscene'. Jerks.

  11. Theres a small percentage that actually helps the sprouts, ive seem some of them stand up for sprouts a couple of times in chat but yea the rest our elitists, nobs, or flat out bullies to the point where i kinda dont want the crown even if i get a mount out of it


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