FFXIV Needs to Change is the @ZepLIVE post that we’re reacting to and exploring these topics once more.
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#ffxiv #reaction #discussion
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What exactly NEEDS to change? Every time XIV does this it ends up being disastrous. The only real change that was beneficial was in Heavensward. After that, it was all downhill.
I don’t know I’m not a pvp player and I’m not a new player either. Been at it for 6 years now. But I’m still here this game has tons and tons of stuff to do. I really don’t understand why people think there is no content. The actual problem is a lot of people can’t make their own goals. If you can do that you have years of content easily
I just found these guys but I am loving their stuff!
My problem is the tos bannable offenses make me feel like the best way to play ff14 is to play solo
I suggest you take a much closer look at the patch notes. In ARR, relics were part of the base game. In HW, the first step was in 3.15. Relics were only pushed back because they are now tied to Exploratory Missions that began in 4.25 and 5.25. Once again, it is the Exploratory Missions that have been dragging the relics down. Relics need to return to an open ended progression system based on light or poetics rather than to be tied to specific zones.
The exp changes to dungeons were necessary because the perception was that the leveling roulettes and dungeons were inferior since exp is concentrated into bosses, but specifically the final boss. They NEEDED to buff exp in order to just make the dungeons feel like they were worth it whereas before the dungeons were giving incremental progress with each kill.
FF14 has also leaned a lot more into the hardcore crowd as of Stormblood. They need to start redesigning the required trials and normal mode raids to standardize indicators. They need to start changing that up by making the Augmented Tomestone Weapons available earlier instead of giving the hardcore raiders such a long exclusivity period on it. They need to separate relics from Exploratory Missions. The longer they wait to do this, the worse the problem will become.
I really need to get my MSQ caught up. I stopped at 5.6 due to taking a break for work and family. Slowly getting back into the game.
I have a feeling there are some things being used in other areas of the game that are being used as data points before bringing them into PVE.
For example, it was mentioned about the one-button combo system in PVP that could be brought into PVE. I know it has existed in PVP for years but it has never been as successful as now, so if all the data the devs get from current PVP look favorable I can see them bringing the one-button GCD combos into PVE. Heck they already started with (at least what I am familiar with) DRG's Jump/High Jump ➡ Mirage Dive, among others; I am pretty sure they're looking at the data from those now.
Another is the upcoming 4-man hard content (forgot the official name for it sorry). If the way they are varying its difficulty is not by strengthening the mobs but by debuffing the players, then expect that to be CBU3's testing the viability of keeping max level skills in levelling content by debuffing the jobs as well as syncing ilvl. It is something FFXIV has lots of experience already with the death debuffs in PVE, and remember that before ShB resurrection weakness debuff included HP too.
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I am going on 40 so having massive contents to keep me occupied would only slow me down even more but there's something in me that still missed that grind I used to do. Like Brian, I come from FF11 which I played since the launch and 8 years thereafter. The merit system in FF11 was probably the best thing they implemented for me. Like Zadnor, it was a grind to add more stats to your character but unlike Zadnor, this was relevant to normal content. So you were slightly better player when you are playing lower level content. I would actually welcome that again in FFXIV. For veterans who has leveled everything to max, we should have more incentives to continue to level. Give us something like a merit system. Allow us to increase our base stat even if its only slightly.
2 minutes into the reaction video and I've been watch for 25 minutes!?!? Are yall the new Hasan?
On the topic of the class/job system I really don't think it would work on the modern game. It is already a tough sell to get people into 14 due to the long MSQ to play relevant content with friends, if you had to ask them to also level multiple classes to be effective it would make it even harder for new players to stick with the game.
26 min in the discussion regarding being gated to join legacy content and play with other players. the difficulty I am running into is I am trying to level a second character in the Oceanic data center and I am playing while most of the server is asleep. I am trying to get to cap to play with a friend that lives in that area. these points have created a larger problem for me. Now I don't expect the dev's to create a solution to such a niche situation. With that said, I do wonder if it would be possible to create a limit to the wait. like if you que and are trying to play a DPS you wait 45 min and after that it will automatically let you run a dungeon with NPC's. I am willing to wait but sometimes I've sat there waiting 2 hours with nothing happening.
Level Synch is an irredeemably poor system. I've been playing this game for 7 years and cannot name a single person who enjoys playing a synched version of their job. I have no faith that it will ever be redesigned because it would take such a massive, fundamental overhaul to make it right. The devs already have an awful track record when it comes to improving core systems. It's always one step forward and two steps back, if that, as often systems are abandoned and exist in a time capsule that require players to step into a Dark Age to participate. This can even happen patch to patch, the devs just forget or fail to recognize that they did a good thing and instead fall back into the same familiar flawed pattern, for example being able to queue for Delubrum Reginae but not CLL or Dalriada.
My take on the topic(since I’m one of those people who feel the game lacks content)…it’s a long one, hopefully people read it.
– “Take a break” is horrible for a subscription based anything. What makes it so horrible? When we do get content it something you can do in 20 minutes but it’s time gated to keep you busy for 3 months, with rewards with minimal value. Beast tribes are a perfect example. 3 quests(that frequently repeated) take days of completion to unlock another rank, followed by more of the same until you unlock mediocre rewards with no ACTUAL value(housing items, minions, mount). This wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad if you didn’t have to wait 4+ months to get it and it’s one of three things that functions pretty much the same way.
A- When they cut the amount of dungeons, we were promised more dynamic dungeons as a trade for volume. That has yet to happen. We get one/two cookie cutter template dungeons(two trash packs -> boss -> two trash packs(wall) -> boss -> two trash packs(wall) -> boss. Where is the dynamic changes? They refuse to even play with that format, which makes the dungeons lose the excitement. Now add in the fact the loot is pointless outside of glam and most of the glam is reskinned old items(the look of the gear has become a huge subject of conversation lately as well. A topic for a different video).
B- We spend time grinding levels to get the couple new moves and animations, but level sync kills that high. Since there’s a decreasing number of dungeons(which IS the biggest draw since it’s linked to combat, the meat of every RPG)you find yourself in a level 15 dungeon, drastically weaker, and back to a 1-2 rotation. Ironically enough, I totally understand the need for low level roulettes, but tying that to resource gain for the limited content at the top, creates a brand new problem.
C- The gearing system. One of the biggest selling points for FF14 is the fact you can be everything in one character, but the game time gates you from actually doing this. The ridiculously low tome cap blocks you from properly gearing everything at your own pace. There is the crafter gear short cut, but that in turns trivializes the purpose of in the gear treadmill. Why waste time grinding content that forces you to do things you’d rather not do, when you can just wait and buy crafter gear(if you can afford it). This also pushes into the currency issue that people swear isn’t a factor, but that’s a different topic.
– Patch cycles are extremely hollow. 1 dungeon, 1 trail, 1 ultimate, 2 fetch quest, with 2 actual minutes of MSQ(stretched out by pointless fetch quests/escort missions). Let’s be real, ultimate ISN’T general content. SE has spent years tuning down the skill curve to a point that it makes content like ultimate/savage feel…unapproachable to a lot of the community. They can’t reasonably be considered “core content” when your pushing the entire community towards a more casual game as a whole. With that being the case, it breaks a patch cycle down to MSQ, a trail, and a carbon copy dungeon.
– The odd patches bring crafting content, side quests(beast tribes), and most of the time a random piece of content(PvP update). All of which are niche content. Not every player wants/cares about crafting. I’ve already talked about beast tribes…which leaves PVP. I can say with real joy, PvP is a breath of fresh air after years of below average PvP content. The issue with this is…in a casual environment, PvP can be off putting. Combine that with balancing issues, flaws, and rampant cheating(SE refused to properly address)and the content doesn’t have the draw it could. Sure people are playing PvP…..but that’s because there’s ABSOLUTELY no other choice since content is so scarce. I personally know at least 60 people(with no exaggeration)who refuse to even attempt PvP because the idea of competition isn’t appealing to them. Instead, they casually level alts.
– SE has tons of content they completely abandon or half implement that COULD be a solid time sink, but random concepts like Island Sanctuary take up production time. You won’t make instance housing, but you’ll make an instance zone for whatever this thing is. Blue Mage is my example in this case. The concept of limited jobs COULD be amazing…unfortunately SE horribly dropped the ball. One job you can’t easily access content with is far from ideal. There should be more limited jobs allowing full parties to be made via duty finder, to play content. There’s a mass of dead classes(a topic I’d love to have I detail one day)that could be revived, creating a real time sink I’m sure people would enjoy. Squadrons is another dead concept that could’ve been something great…unfortunately, pointless time gating and limited reward for time, has killed it.
– Tired reward system. Grind a trail to get a reskinned or pointless glamour mount is a perfect example here. I have crappy luck so I end up clearing trails 40+ times before I get my mount(that’s clears, not including attempts). What’s the gain? Boss music as I ride around the world map. Cool…but how many people commit to this time sink? 99 clears or luck wit RNG for a cosmetic seems ridiculous to me. It would be different IF the mounts you obtained, could be swapped for your chocobo as a combat companion. NOW those 99 clear and unreasonably low drop rates make sense…unfortunately, that isn’t a thing in FF14.
I love FF and I’ve played it for years. I’ve maxed everything, did almost all side content, challenged ultimates, chasing crystal rank in PvP(on two different characters)…the “You want more content, play X content” doesn’t apply to me. In truth, that line doesn’t apply to MOST of the community who isn’t a Shadowbringers/Endwalker baby. We literally had a full year of ZERO content during the pandemic, but people seem to forget that. Yes, their formula needs to change. A 90% drop in active players in a subscription based game SHOULD be a sign, things need to change. It works for some people, but judging by the forums, the number is DRASTICALLY lower then people who aren’t happy. We complained about the down periods, Yoshi P made them longer while giving less. That’s not valuing your consumer’s opinion no matter what “brand ambassador” tries to say.
Not every thing people want is practical or even reasonable, but “I want more so I can feel like I’m spending my money wisely”…that’s a no brainer. I didn’t go into other hot topics like job changes, housing, balancing, poor PvP job representation. This is only the lack of substantial/meaningful content.
I again I ask…how long will SE’s luck last? I’ve seen more people quit this game PERMANENTLY because of this issue, then anything else or in any other game. How long before another MMO comes along and actually gets the formula right? As it stands, tons of people leave to play those games and don’t touch FF14 no matter what happens here(patches,expansions,etc). Looking for something similar/better…luck is keeping FF14 afloat with its bad content cycle. It hurts me to see so many people fall off when I KNOW the game is great.
I apologize for the long post, I just needed to give my opinion and you guys seem to listen and reply better then any other content creators.
That should a topic one day by the way. “The effect of content creators representing the gaming community. Do they do the community justice?”
Anyway, thanks to whoever read all this…I’m looking forward to feedback.
I think the leveling up a class to learn skills for another class is a great idea in a single player game. Gives me final fantasy tactics vibes. In multiplayer content not so much. Everyone goes a cookie cutter build to pump out the max dps anyway, so it seems like a needless grind to me. Also have either of you leveled up summoner since the rework? It's pretty bad. Your play style barely changes for 50 levels, it's just visual updates. That's why I'm kind of glad SCH is tied to it, at least it gives me something else to do for those 50 some odd levels. Thanks again for the content guys.
The homogenizing of jobs is really bad and fights need better mechanics "stand here" or spam 1. And they need to fix Scholar. It's a meme at this point among pre-Stormblood/Pre-Shadowbringers Scholar mains. The dumbing down of jobs needs to not happen. The principles behind the changes came down to "skill bloat" but they kept protect in the game ffs. The team behind the PvP skill inputs knew what they were doing. Consolidating multiple skills to a single input like the 1 skill in GW2. You don't need 3 inputs for a 123 combo in the discussion of skillbloat
I'd love an optional roster system or something like lost ark has. Everything is shared but each job you do could potentially be a different character.
meh, I honestly don't put too much stock into any of Zepla's opinions. I find her constant passive aggressiveness to be off-putting.
She literally got to say 1.5 sentences max per unpause.
Great road trip listen 😊
My favorite scion is Thancred. If we are talking the next 10 years eventually, FFXIV making new players go through every single expansion may not be realistic. Starting after Endwalker may end up being a more realistic starting point.
I personally dont have a favorite scion
If they add a female au-ra maybe that would change
The one thing my youngest son and I do not like about FFXIV is the forced dungeons. Hes really good at them but he's insecure about his roles and I'm not good at them so I'm shy about who I run them with. He will only run them once unless I can talk him into running them again with my first run, along with my oldest son. In wow the dungeons were extra.. But they didn't move the story. I also don't remember having to run dungeons in FFXI but maybe I did and my family ran them for me lol it's been years. The duties are hard for me as well so hard that my oldest will tell me which ones he will do for me. Due to the mandatory dungeons I would have quit had I not had family to help and had the storylines not pulled me in. Thank you for discussing the game it was interesting and enjoyable.