Final Fantasy XIV Playthrough | Part 1: New Character | Highlander Marauder

Welcome to Part 1, New Character, of my Final Fantasy XIV playthrough. This series will see me quest and adventure through Eorzea as a Highlander Marauder. Like my other playthroughs, I’ll be voicing NPCs when necessary and reading quest text with a strong focus on story and any lore aspects I happen to find.

If you have any hints or tips, or would just like to share your own FF14 experiences, please feel free to pop those into the comments.

Series Playlist:



00:00 Intro & Opening Cutscene
13:33 Coming to Limsa Lominsa
23:49 Close to Home



7 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Playthrough | Part 1: New Character | Highlander Marauder”

  1. having just made a new character some weeks ago myself, i can tell you that you will be able to clear the dungeons with a party of NPC until the king Moogle fight where youll need to group with the duty finder again

    oh and the dungeon boss fights have been changed since your last playthrough so most fights will be totally new for you

  2. Every so often I see this comment on one of your videos but I feel the need to say it again-
    Dan you really missed your calling as a voice actor. That is one of multiple things I really love about this channel!

  3. Ah this made me so happy to see! I'll be watching these while on my own ffxiv adventures. I'm currently all caught up with the MSQ, but there's A TON of other stuff I can do. I'm no veteran, though I'm not totally inexperienced, but I'm always learning new things.

    FFXIV is definitely a very story driven MMO, take your time and enjoy it! 🙂 I'll keep up with watching your experience. I always appreciate the chill vibes of your commentary of your videos, Dan! ^_^

  4. Disciple of: War = physical damage, Magic = magic damage, Hand = crafter, Land = gatherer. FFXIV gear doesn't work exactly the same as more traditional MMOs since every character can level every job. Love to see you starting the game fresh. ARR can get a little grindy around 35-40 until you finish the story, but it's well worth it for the expansions. I recommend focusing mostly on the MSQ (main story questline), but a few side quests in each zone if you get stuck on progression. I've played through all but the last couple content patches of the latest expansion and it just kept getting better the whole way! My main job is Summoner, but I also play Scholar (both start as Arcanist), and Dancer.


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