Does FFXIV REALLY Have a GREAT Community? | FFXIV Community 2021 Review

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34 thoughts on “Does FFXIV REALLY Have a GREAT Community? | FFXIV Community 2021 Review”

  1. Thank you for video. I downloaded the free trial version of Final Fantasy 14 and trying it out. On another note, I started to cry when you were reading the letters in this video. My husband's had cancer and I know all to well. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I usually wait until a video is over before commenting but the first one is me to a tee. I’m also a biker for many years, I’m also near that persons age. I associate with mostly other bikers and many of them are also gamers. The community is right for this person. Not because of those things but because he’s concerned about it in the first place. Don’t look for motorcycle clubs here but it’s good people.

  3. I’m really nice to new players I give free gifts and happy that there more players in the game….But there some players new ones and came cause their another game they used to play got issue without giving name.They refuse to listen what older players ask them to do, it’s as if they throw their anger at Ffxiv community.
    I been in Ffxiv since 2014 and recently I never had argued with new players in dungeons as I’m getting now.

  4. My FC is fun. But we dont do events, yet. But the FC started last year and we had a reset and started over for new players. We want to do endgame stuff as an FC but our members are not there yet. One of our officers bought the whale mount so people who dont have flying in some zones can still join in our fun. I love my FC and what i am doing now to help them is learn the EX fights so I can help when we do them. But this is just one FC, there are tons of FC out there and discords and tons of other communities that do do a lot of endgame stuff. I could find an FC that does all the stuff i want but I love my fc mates and will not leave them lol.

  5. I've had issues but they were in the past not the present.

    When HW and StB came out I had issues with ppl using DPS meters and being elitist trying to DPS shaming and kicking from dungeon.

    Since coming back for ShB the community has been amazing.

  6. Also to add, when I was ingame, Final Fantasy, I guess it was a vet player came up to my character and started to wave at me and danced around me. I felt immediately welcomed. I guess I really looked like a noob (good way), I just started playing this game and it's so beautiful.

  7. Before I even watch I’ll say this: I started wow in 2007 and it was my main game. I switched to FF after we downed Sylvanas because of boredom. The FF community is very helpful and will take the time to explain fights if needed whereas the WoW community especially in m+ is toxic as fk. I seriously love FF but don’t think I’ll give up on wow for lore only but FF is my main game now.

  8. Fate Sealers on Adamantoise Server would love to have you. We are very welcoming with players near your age with families and on down. Superion Prime or Ironhide Prime in game can help you out.

  9. I tried to get into FF14. Everybody seemed pretty chill, but I just couldn't get into the combat system. It seemed too slow for me. I'm already invested in ESO, which I love the combat system in, and am already a huge fan of the lore. I'm sure FF14 is a great game, I just didn't like it that much.

  10. I do love the FF community. That being said, I was in PF on crystal for E9S and was invited into the Crystal Raid discord to a static. I told them I had no xp, but they wanted me to come and try. There was guy (I remember his name cause he's a main stay in that chat) in the discord who wasn't on the team but would be in our voice chat. As I struggled through and my raid team would explain he would continuously spit venom at me. It's was that classic "this game is easy loser how are you dying" FFXIV mentality. On top of that he would use racial slurs all the time as if it rolled easy of his tongue. I finally had enough and called him out and it was the most toxic argument I've ever had. The raid team stopped raiding after E10S. Stopped playing for 4 months. What I am saying is, I've had amazing times in XIV but I've also had the worst time in a game ever. Anyway, thanks for the content you guys. I love it 🙂

  11. Hey, Brian!

    Hope things are going good.

    I have a request!

    Can you do a tutorial on Squads? I'm struggling trying to wrap my head around training. It makes no sense at all!

    About your topic about the community…

    Coming from Famfrit and having to start all over again on Tonberry, I was surprised to witness the difference in community.

    On Famfrit, the Aetheryte plaza in Limsa was loud, compared to how quiet it is on Tonberry. On Famfrit there was a massive hunt train. It doesn't look like the hunts are active on Tonberry.

    Internet stability is unreliable in the eastern world. It seems, not totally sure about this, but folks on the Japanese servers are a bit more tolerant when players suddenly lag or get disconnected.

    I ran an instance as a tank and all of a sudden my internet was giving me problems. I got disconnected twice! I apologized profusely to the party and they were sympathetic. When we cleared and exited, I was surprised to receive a commendation! I wouldn't have given myself a commendation!!!

  12. I vaguely understand you do tasks to gain rank in a FC. Yet I can't nail down whether or not the FC actually like, builds anything with materials gained. I'm in Neverwinter, (another MMO), and guilds grind out quests and gather food/wood/metal/stone to physically build structures that give you better stat buffs the higher your guild can build them, until a cap is met. Anything like that in FFXIV? I mean, if I go out with my trusty dull axe and whack on trees 70 million times, is there actually any benefit, or do people just steer a wide path around the guy face down on the ground whimpering about blisters and sawdust in his hair?

  13. I think it's important to note that there's a big difference between the FFXIV in-game community and online community. The in-game community is overwhelmingly helpful and healthy. Sure, there are bad apples, there always will be with any MMO. But it is largely a very good community.

    The online version is another animal entirely. Sometimes it feels like all the things the developers don't let you get away with in-game come out online. Personally I stay away from the online community. I only interact with people in-game. I was involved with it early in the PS3's release, but it became obvious very quickly that it was a playground I didn't want to play in. Every once in a while I'll peak my head in, look around, and think, "Yep, pretty much how I left it."

  14. Most of the time, the community is good and they are willing to help. But since its a mmo, there are still trash talkers. Offensive and annoying text macros are a thing too.

  15. I'm so glad I found this video – I have been meaning to try some MMOs because very few of my IRL friends like video games. And if the FFXIV community is full of lovely people like you, then it sure sounds like a good choice.

  16. Why make that post?
    Just do a little research or play the game and find out.

    You'll learn really quickly if a community is for you or not if you look into it or play the game.

  17. lmao join the facebook ffxiv group and read the communitys opinions and thoughts and then tell me its not toxic.
    if it wasnt for my fc, i would have quit week 1. even the bad luck with randoms now i dont even “o/“ anymore

    but should you play. Yes. story top tier. i loved every expansion even stormblood. but once you hit shadowbringers. you will appreciate the time spent..
    but you will want to watch cutscenes later cause most players wont let you see yours. at least from my experiance.

    to the mentors who are Actually mentors, thank you.

  18. I will be turning 62 at the end of the month. I, too, have played EQ, EQ2, FF11, and now FF14. I love playing this game, I am very much an introvert, but I don't feel the anxiety I used to feel in other games when joining group content, because most of the time the other players are very supportive. Sure there have been some jerks but for the most part, they are few and far between. There are Free Companies (Guilds) for every style of player, for example, I belong to an FC that caters to my introverted self, not a lot of chatter, but always ready to help each other when needed. Check out the community finder page on the Lodestone for communities on your server or as Brian said it in of the main cities and you will see shout-outs from FCs that are recruiting.

  19. It's very simple.
    FF's community is as toxic as any other mmos' communities. The difference is: Blizzard (and other companies) allows it (and even encourages it) and SE does not.
    I have reported many people in FF and I always get a response (and always in a couple of MINUTES time), but I also reported many people in WoW (and other mmo's), and the rare times anyone replied back was WEEKS later.
    I quit WoW not because of the shitty gameplay, but because of the community and the way blizzard allows the game to be ruled by toxic players and third party addons that should be ILLEGAL to even exist. That is the difference… as a solo player I feel protected in FF by the devs and in other mmo's I've been bullied every day (as I have been my entire REAL life and I'm 45 already) and no one gives a f (as in REAL life).

  20. if anything FF community tends to be extremely overreactive to ANY sort of bad criticism of the game as if they cannot fathom the idea of it not being god-s gift to mankind and i find that hilariously hypocritical

    granted that is just my experience on the reddit and forums of the game.

    IN-game 99.9% are just chill and goodwilling

  21. Ginger, thank you for taking the time and effort, I know this guide will help everyone!!!
    I read through every comment and gained such a wealth of info. I can tell by your helpful nature and awesome demeanor that this will be a great community! You've all helped make my decision very easy! Ill joining you all in about 4 days!!
    Thanks again Ginger!!


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