IS FFXIV AS GOOD AS WOW? ✦ First impression of FF14 after playing WoW since 2005 ✦

Hello to all you beautiful people of the internet~

This year was the first time I ever really played Final Fantasy XIV Online. After 16 years in WoW, I decided I give it another try and what can I say? I have not been disappointed. In fact, I’m really excited about FF14. Did not expect to like it this much, coming from WoW.

It may seem insignificant but I wanted to share my thoughts and excitement about it all here anyway.

Have you stopped playing WoW for FFXIV? Are you playing both? Or neither of the two? Maybe you disagree with me and really couldn’t get into it? If you read this, I’d love to hear your opinion about it and your own experience with the two games /mmorpgs. ^_^

0:00 – Intro + Information
1:50 – Graphics & look of the Game
3:40 – Game Focus of Story vs “grindy/quick”/MMORPG
5:54 – Freedom of how to play the game & Job/Class system
7:52 – Combat comparison
8:55 – The Good, The Bad & Reasons why I haven’t tried FF14 before
13:31 – FFXIV Community
14:15 – Closing Thoughts and initial impression on FFXIV so far

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41 thoughts on “IS FFXIV AS GOOD AS WOW? ✦ First impression of FF14 after playing WoW since 2005 ✦”

  1. I played WoW since the first beta, but, after all those years I quit a few months ago. The company's behavior towards it's employees and players is so unacceptable, the gameplay has become so repetative, grindy and non rewarding, that I decided to leave the game for the time being. FFXIV seems to be a good alternative. So far I like the game a lot. BTW I very much like your accent 😀 My favorite phrase in this video is "Wörld of Wahrkraft" 😉

  2. In FF14 every City is always full, there is not really a main hub in the game, because in every city you can get something, so you need to go in different places depending on what you do, this is why it feels way more alive than in WOW where everything is a ghost town.

  3. yeah im really trying to change my gameplay habits with ff14. im new, a refugee from wow, and i'm used to just skipping the quest text and trying to get to top level ASAP.

    now with ff14 i take the time to read everything so the character and plot developments feel a lot more satisfying.

  4. Ive never played WOW, cause the graphics looked too old fpr me.. been playing destiny2 and decided to give ffx14 a go since there was so much talk about it.. so far it hasnt been a disappointment.. if only i knew about ffx14 sooner..

  5. my problem with WoW is that a few years ago started to losing the RPG element and became more and more a seassonal fast game..with all the borrowed powers that each expansion you lose and having to re learn your characters and also the old content becomes meaningless… in FF14 i feel the progression of my character. Im not losing anything just adds up to the experience and old content in some ways is still relevant or at least is in well use for the whole experience. its sad tha wow always scrap everything and ask for as to relearn everything. Also the focus of WoW of being more fast game each time and focusing on esport and let pvp ruin the pve and wise versa is really a deal breaker really. in ff14 everyhting has a meaning and the community is really non toxic… i miss ofc some classes and the addons from wow..but i can live without them. and if a day or 2 im not loged in i dont feel i fell behind or even worse when i have lots of time like afew months of not playing i feel a noob all over again.. in wow company heads seems to want only our money and build walls around all the fun just for it. i know every company want money but with wow these days its so obvious that i feel bad and used.. so for now im enjoying FF14. I changed my mindset i dont want to reach cap in a few days..i read everything and i follow the flow and we will see where that will lead me.. its a new adventure…with wow i lost that feeling

  6. I was a long time WoW player. "Elite level" raider back in TBC and Wrath, turned mount and mog farmer. It got boring so I thought I'd try FFXIV. Just like you I haven't found a SINGLE mean or rude person. Everyone is so eager to help and give up their knowledge.

    Let me tell you, I was mind blown with the experience I've been presented. I canceled my WoW subscription and don't even feel bad. 13 years of WoW and I haven't felt this engaged in the story since …. ever? FF tells a great story. Yes it's hard to read, yes it's painful at times, but the outcome is SO worth it.

    1 week in, level 58 Paladin and pushing hard to get into the 1st expansion. After the MSQ, you hit the "pre patch content" and it feels like a wall. It's a slow burn but it's explaining what HAPPENED (past) before you get into Heavensward (1st expac). Hold on … it's going to be an amazing ride.

    Fun Fact : we are a "sprout". Very new players but we have the sprout icon in our name for 90 days. Use this time to ask as many questions as you can/ want. Everyone loves helping the new people experience the joy they felt.

  7. Melee DPS gets a lot more complicated once you get higher in level too. You will never be sitting and waiting for the GCD essentially. You either will need to position yourself on the right part of the enemy (flank, front, and back does actually make a difference in some skills) or be hitting oGCDs (off-GCDs) between every GCD. It's really fun and there's a lot of room to have skill make you better, not gear.

  8. Final Fantasy 14 is a giant lore-filled, story-telling theme park, with many challenges, events & attractions – and many mini-games within said attractions. Been playing for many years and I still learn something new every other week!

  9. Started as a lock(Horde ofc) and switched to Mistweaver as our guild needed a good healer for our raid team My friend said choose Mistweaver as you pvp and Monk will allow you to kick ally in the head(sold)..I was never expected to dps for our raid team..a healers dps in wow is insignificant..but in FF as a white mage your dps isn't bad at all..The big difference for me is the CC options..In Wow Pvp my monk was often in the enemy teams backline messing up their healers with multiple CC's..There is no such utility in FF healing…when you aren't healing DPS like hell. At the very least DOT everything with Aero. Later on you will get Afflatus Misery..not sure on raid bosses as they are automatons but this spell ..the misery bit is real when you hit other players with it 🙂

  10. I'm always baffled by WoW players who are like "these graphics suck" in regards to FFXIV. Wow looked like dog shit in 2004. Your eyes must literally have something wrong with them if you don't instantly look at FFXIV and go "holy shit it's better."

  11. I’m glad you have decided to play from the beginning instead of using skips. It’s really a disservice when a new player comes in with a skip and misses out on so much content.

  12. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I've also recently started playing FFXIV, but I'm a bit of a different audience. I started playing WoW around Legion thanks to a friend, and played retail intermittently until Shadowlands at which point we basically quit and moved over to Classic instead (I now have an Undead Shadow Priest approaching T4 BiS for current content in TBC).

    For as long as I was playing WoW I don't think the artstyle ever really stuck with me. At first I thought these elves with glowing eyes, overly large ears, and eyebrows twice the size of their face looked strange, but I adapted to it. It's the cartoonishness you mentioned, I think. It's not my preferred style. But then I really love the sense of scale that dungeons have, and every so often you'll come across a zone (like say, Caverns of Time, or Bastion, or Val'sharah) that look beautiful. And Demon Hunters are kinda cool. So I do certainly appreciate it too.

    With XIV on the other hand, I grew up playing the FF franchise and JRPGs in general so I felt pretty much at home. It's a newer game, so it's more graphically impressive, and the first time I stepped out into Limsa as a baby Arcanist I thought, damn, this looks incredible. Since it was new to me too, I really did feel like part of the world. The storytelling is the biggest thing for me. In WoW, leveling feels like a repetitive, somewhat monotonous task that you have to get through in order to reach endgame. There is plenty of lore, but it's hidden in the world or delivered in large textboxes. It didn't feel engaging to me.

    XIV on the other hand is a very different beast. The cutscenes and dialogue sequences remind me of a console title, the music is excellent, and even when the story hits dull moments and starts to drag, at least I don't have to do a litany of "kill 30 of X" quests or wait 5-10 minutes for a mob spawn. It is very weird to me that some WoW/other RPG players will skip reading for two reasons: one, RPGs traditionally all involve a lot of reading, and two, you have to do more of that in WoW!

    Overall I feel more engaged here than I did in WoW, which may have something to do with my biases, and I'm still in ARR which is the oldest and apparently "worst" part of the game. XIV does feel a bit 'on rails' compared to the freedom of WoW, due to the invisible walls and zoning, but I will assume it opens up later on as the original title was intended for console. For combat, mechanically, it does seem like XIV doesn't have as much variety in set bonuses and trinkets, and some stuff is animation locked so feels less responsive. On the other hand the GCD issue doesn't bother me much since there are plenty of oGCDs to weave and it looks like XIV rotations become more complex in endgame than anything I'm used to.

    Visuals are beautiful, they can get cluttered but there are options to reduce or disable that. One thing I will say is that XIV seems to have more breadth of content. Coming across people playing concerts as bards, winning my first Triple Triad tournament in the Gold Saucer, and visiting some truly elaborate player housing that probably took unreasonable amounts of time and gil to purchase, has all been very cool. And while it seems like a fair portion of what I said was critical, I honestly really love the game. There's just something about it that clicks with me that's hard to put into words.

    Overall I can quite easily see myself continuing to play for some time to come, even if I have limited time and may not be able to join raiding statics etc.

  13. Tbh, i tried ffxiv years ago, and di not enjoy it… a year down the line i try it again, to be utterly addicted. It's weird.
    But i just cannot get into WoW at all.
    I am glad to see many people try the game, so to those, welcome!

  14. I know it was hard if you played a game for too long and couldn't accept (or maybe too lazy to change) new thing but once we could walk out of that wall, we can experience more awesome things.

  15. I actually downloaded it and then removed it before even trying and went back to wow, well this video changed my mind. I’m going to download this and give this a chance! Especially hearing I can be a Paladin tank!!

  16. I can't believe people are complaining reading on rpg games. I have played Final Fantasy 3-15 and most of the early games requires a lot of reading. Are people just that lazy?

  17. I had similar experiences when I tried FFXIV years ago, then I returned when I got bored of other mmos. I go through cycles and each mmo, especially ffxiv, shows me how terrible the WoW community is and it's almost like a culture shock to play FFXIV and to see people helping each other.

    I think a lot has to do with the fact that there is so much to do with so many goals and fun rewards while WoW is really about grinding hard with very little reward and when people finish that grind, they just have to sit and wait because the fun things to collect requires more pain and frustration. WoW is built for required chores and FFXIV is built for optional fun.


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