Does FFXIV Just Do It Right? WoW Vs FFXIV

WoW Versus FFXIV! Is the GCD actually a good thing? Should its impact on the game be simply phased out as players level? Does FF teach players better than WoW? M+ needs some manner of teaching

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33 thoughts on “Does FFXIV Just Do It Right? WoW Vs FFXIV”

  1. FF aoe mechanics are super easy to understand: If your character was INSIDE the AOE marker when the CAST BAR of that attack reached 100% the game saves it as a HIT. Doesn't matter if you jump 1000Km away, you are already marked. With AOE markers without castbar the game saves it as a hit if you were in the aoe marker when the aoe marker disapears.

    Knowing this is the base of Extreme, Savage and ultimates cause the Dev team LOVES stacking millions of aoe markers.

  2. Gotta completely disagree on the ff14 take where he said u gotta rely on a guide and community to do high end fights optimally, the game trains you to beat the normal versions of all fights and when u go into savage/extreme/ultimate its literally a difficulty spike that takes more attention to detail on whats going on and completely doable without guides with enough tries

  3. mods are a big issue for wow as well when it comes to new players. you can have all the tutorials in the world, but as soon as a new player gets to raiding and they dont have a clue about mods / addons or what ones they need, they will sux. the difference in having a great mod setup player to someone who has non or bare bones is huge. The the fact wow is almost balanced around the expectation of players using mods and you have a game that is a confusing mess for new players. Add in the community who have played for years and wants to get things done ASAP and you have a toxic experience for any new players.
    Switch over to ffxiv with the sprout stuff and you have long term players wanting to help sprouts even if its just out of them growing there egos. dance mechanics being more intuitive and easier to understand , and no mods means there are not hidden mechanics and requirements for harder content the new player needs to just know, and you already have a much more enjoyable game for new players.

  4. As a long time FFXIV player, here is what I dislike about the game: Square Enix messed up once with 1.0 and I think this fuckup is holding them back still and will hold them back forever. With every expansion SE is doing their formula with throwing in some dungeons (that are ofc all rly diverse in atmosphere) with 3 bosses and a lot of trash inbetween. Every single dungeon is executed in the same formulaic way. Because it worked before, so why try out new stuff!? This formula can be applied to most aspects of the game when a new expansion comes out. Job progression, gearing-up and raiding.

    Don't get me wrong, I am super hyped for Endwalker and will do the savage content again with my fc and I would come back for the soundtrack anyways. But here I wish I had some WoW in the game. But oh well, chances are high, it would be executed poorly. So yea, looking forward to Endwalker, even though I know what I will get.

  5. I log back into wow and its like, no youre not allowed to do these three lfr wings and no youre not allowed to run that dungeon again and NO youre not allowed to do the M+ you wnat, first you need to do ones u dont want loot from and pray to the rng gods u get the key u want…..and bla bla bla Just let me play what i want god damn it.

  6. The Devs from FF14 put the game in the first place (as old blizzard did). They want to create a good game that people enjoy.
    Blizzard nowadays looks at the statistics and builds the game after it to generate as much money as possible.

  7. the FF mechanics are made to be "laggy" in a sense. This way, you can play FF14 raids even with 250ms ping. You can actually look it up with the initial release of Titan extreme. they made the timing so tight that people literally cannot clear it due to varying internet speeds

  8. Its simple both games are nice when u want u kill a giant boss with 8 man ff14 is the way to go. When Maybe its a sunny day were u want to pvp people to death and kill enemys in the world u Play wow. I dont know why ppl try to decide whats better both are nice and stop hating.

  9. XIV was my fiance's first real video game that she completed start to finish, including all nm raids. Her brothers wouldn't really let her play games before and she had gotten really interested in seeing me play XIV story content. I bought her a PS4 and the XIV complete edition during 4.4. She completed ARR through 4.5 in about three months and then we played the ShB launch side by side. It was such a good experience. XIV plays very well on controller but it also gets pretty complicated later on when you've got things like L>R, R>L, and double tap going on. She's pretty confident now in playing other games like The Witcher.

  10. That mega slow start might be a boon for people extremely new to video games, but I for instance needed 4 attempts and people constantly telling me "It gets better I swear" to finally get into the game, because the few abilities and the ass long GCD you start out with is absolutely horrific and there is 0 rhythm to it. Player who are like me in this, will absolutely be repelled by this design. And that isn't just the perspective of a WoW player, I played lots of MMOs before, and they did not make me angry at the first 15 levels.

  11. I've been enjoying ffxiv but I disagree with the gdc being slow for new mmo and video game players. Having a slow gdc has nothing to do with the game being easier to pickup. In fact I think new mmo players would enjoy the start being faster paced. The skill level is still low because mechanically you're not doing much but a lower gdc would combat more exciting for many. Nothing about a long gdc helped me learn how to better play my class for future pve content

  12. It's not even just current Mythic/Mythic+ that newer players are encountering issues in, it's legacy dungeons too. The go fast/don't talk mentality is too pervasive.

  13. Ff14 mechanic timing is less intuitive initially but ultimately more precise. Immediately after cast bar or indicator on the ground it’s safe. You can anticipate exactly when it’s safe much better than wow once you understand it

  14. its weird how i hoped for wow to get better for more then 10 years, and now all i want for wow is to see it burn to the ground and fail

    really want a new mmo that is more fun the wow ever was, and ffxiv have already kinda done that with pve, but really hope they fix pvp then its really getting interesting

  15. It's all well and good to say that 1 or 2 button rotations at low level are boring … what about the 1 or 2 button end-game rotations that are memed on in WoW (across the various expansions)?

  16. The difficulty curve in FFXIV is a bit fucked. Most DPS classes are extraordinarily hard to play at a high level in comparison to other roles and you are not even close to be ready to raid savage when you hit the required gear level. You are hours on the dummy away from being good enough. Used that CD a few seconds too late? You just lost a huge amount of dps. Used a CD that boosts the raid's dps too late? you dipped everybody's dps and they're pissed. The difference between savage and normal raid is about the same as between LFR and Mythic in WoW. Mechanics are way more visual though.

    Also, it takes months to reach max level unless you play 12 hours a day… unless you pay for both a level boost and an MSQ boost. Want to play with your friends now? Costs you an extra 100$.
    The people are generally WAY more helpful IN YOUR FACE, because the banhammer comes very quickly in FFXIV. The problem with that is, it just leads to huge amounts of hypocrisy. The toxicity is equal, but never in your face. At least in WoW people will tell you you suck, not tell everyone else.

    FFXIV's dungeons are BORING AS FUCK, but raids are a lot of fun. Housing is a great concept but… you have to sit and pray and spam click to hope that maybe you'll get a house. For weeks. Or months.

    Not saying the game is bad by any means, but it's definitely not perfect and in some ways it's just as predatory as WoW. The story and graphics are great.

  17. The markers on the last boss of Sanguine Depths are extremely deceptive. They linger and look like DO NOT STEP IN, but you actually have to because the damage isn't tied to the animation, but the spawning of the animation.

  18. The yellow markers and arrows etc. in FFXIV actually are diegetic but only for the WoL. They represent the echo, that's why you see low level NPCs just stand in aoes and stuff while you can easily avoid them.

  19. Totally agree. The difficulty rises with each expansion. I have legit died multiple times during story quests in shadowbringers. Endwalker msq is gonna be hard. I honestly wouldn't require boosting unless its for an alt

  20. Stop saying woah! It's wow! But yeah, FFXIV teaches you pretty well, except yeah little things. The last fight in the first Ivalice raid is just O_o "WTF IS HAPPENING!?!?!"

  21. Not everyone's the same, but I think it'd be fair to limit Heroics with Silver Proving Grounds and Mythics with Gold. But they should also design them to make sure people need to know their class a little better too. Like a mage tower lite, mostly the same for each but slightly different for each class to highlight their strengths and unique abilities.

  22. I definitely consider myself casual. Never played an MMO before, kinda dropped out of hardcore gaming after the first Xbox. Still play some RPGs, but overall I'll play about 2 or 3 games a year. But FF14 has had me hooked for the last 2 years. Being a huge FF fan from back in the Playstation 1 days brought me to FF14.

  23. FF14 looks like a game made in the 2000s, has no PvP and weak dungeon content. The devs listen to the player base more but it’s still quite a weak game, held back by its final fantasy/Asian heritage.


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