If you are unfamiliar with who Desolance is, here is a summary of the Desolance Drama: https://youtu.be/R0G1zXvZgDo
Xeno Reacts to Llamatodd going over his cour hearing against Desolance. Once again Desolance took a massive L.
Original video by @llamatoddtv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJddegG2yZk
llamatodd’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/llamatodd
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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c
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It sounds like how if anyone said Kakarot to Broly, it would send him into an uncontrollable rage
remind me again who desolance even is?
I finally got back into school to finish my bachelor’s in science, but felt like a loser while I dropped out the last two years. Man, it’s so refreshing to now know I never truly became the lowest tier of loser like this guy
Bros literally a giant waste of air LOL
All of this could've been avoided if he used Addle, kids use addle
Is there a court cam? Please tell me there is lol
"Was Lionel the defense attorney for Todd?" That question goes so hard.
You should start forming a raid group. Everyone who won a lawsuit against Desolance will be part of it. Sooner or late you will collect enough members.
Please use a different thumbnail lmao
Man, I never laughed so much cuz of a video. Lionel is such an idiot.
I am still laughing after watching the whole video.
Just a heads up, but there's another youtube user called 'omensoffate" who's been spreading that BS around. There are no videos on his channel on the matter, but he's been spamming the same crap about Xeno that Lionel was ranting about in the comments section of other content creators. I don't know if it's Lionel himself or one of his followers but keep an eye out just in case.
Just to emphasize, stuff like the defamation are kept out as a benefit to the accused, you know a 'fair trial', hence why Todd couldn't bring it up and why Lionel doing so opened it to discretion. It's kind of unfair but at the same time it makes things way easier for the judge, he not only waived that benefit but did so to dig his own grave, it's wild.
on one side it's this clown provides giga amounts of content, on the other side i'm afraid at one point he's going to snap and does something violent.
We should consider bringing back asylums because of people like Lionel. I say that with genuine concern for the safety of everyone involved.
I feel bad for his mom.
Imagine your son getting himself into this situation and everything he keeps doing digs himself deeper and deeper into financial ruin
Lionel made it. He is now famous. As the face, voice and intellect of online harassment taking an L.
I have kids and I can’t stop thinking about this guys mum and what in the heck is going on there
I got mine in the mail yesterday and he still talking shit to me
Yknow sometimes i feel stupid.
But I never feel 'involving irrelevant documents that will heavily damage my case' levels of stupid.
I have tears in my eyes of laughing 😂 you cant make this up, unbelievable
what if the judge was a cute chatter =3
My god again talk about something else..
His poor mother man.
3:05 😭.
I never been a fan of Xeno, but this whole situation is just too good to not keep up with
I'd like to imagine that the evidence that Lie-on-L showed was prepared by his lawyer who wanted to expose him, that's my canon
I don't think it's nice of you two making it harder for Desolance to get a job by creating a criminal record for him u.u
god i wish there is a video of the court hearing I really do
I feel bad for the mom probably single and has mental problems and an abusive son
58:10 seee, he is trying to rationalise with irrational person. That's wrong
Lionel really needs to pump the fuckin brakes lol Not sure if he's aware of what happened to Josh Pillualt in runescape (the dude who got put away by the FBI for YEARS for chatting shit to folks) but giving the feds a reason to fill their boring hours by making a damn example of you. He deserves it sure lol but he ain't got any idea what he's putting his foot in.
"If yappin' nonsense could be a job"
Looks at strummer
why did he use copyright strike? if it's just to silence him even if he is a idiot that's wrong. if he actually stole his video then fuck him.