Hi everyone! This is my new player’s first time lore-friendly Dragoon playthrough of the Heavensward expansion for Final Fantasy XIV!! 🙂
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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀
#nubkeks #ffxiv #mmo
I love heavensward but the crafting was a bit frustrating. Having to bless wood and clothing for some crafts sounds cool but they used materials from ephemeral nodes which kept prolonguing the crafting process… There was also the fact that hasty touch spam was so important that it made recipes take 40 steps somewhat common.
There's a bit more of Lolorito x Nanamo lore if anyone's interested, it's the short story "For Coin and Country" that's available in the official website. It brings a bit more of closure to the whole thing.
I did Braygloxs like 100 times solo just trying to get the whole set. This was before you got a gauranteed drop in lower lvl dungeons at the end