DAWNTRAIL NEWS | Zepla reviews the FFXIV Promo site for the NEW EXPANSION

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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]


16 thoughts on “DAWNTRAIL NEWS | Zepla reviews the FFXIV Promo site for the NEW EXPANSION”

  1. I like island sanctuary and I find gathering boring. I want to be able to do something on the cosmic exploration. Otherwise, it should all be thrown away and give me island sanctuary 2

  2. Getting 2 new DPS classes at the start of the new expansion means 30+ minute dungeon queues for DPS jobs. The Dawntrail leveling experience is going to be hell in the first few weeks

  3. 14:14 I enjoyed my time with GW2 but it does feel dated. Id love to see a 3rd entry but sunk-cost-fallacy makes mmos not do sequels these days. Lot of players will see that as their "jumping off" point

  4. I love the pictomancer animations and colors but at the same time i think they needed just that little thing more to make it look very special.

    The "splatoon-like" colors are fine, just…add sparkles and the butterflies you showed in the trailer? Lol


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