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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]
super excited for viper and the new samurai stuff
I love casters its always the ones i level first in all mmo/s so i will level picto and maybe viper later.
I like island sanctuary and I find gathering boring. I want to be able to do something on the cosmic exploration. Otherwise, it should all be thrown away and give me island sanctuary 2
Getting 2 new DPS classes at the start of the new expansion means 30+ minute dungeon queues for DPS jobs. The Dawntrail leveling experience is going to be hell in the first few weeks
Zeplaaa, what happened to your video "Good things that came out of Endwalker?" D: I really appreciated that one.
I love the picto's spell effects precisely because it annoys some people, and precisely because those kinds of people are worth annoying.
I dont like some of the outfits for crafters and gatherers
Viper will be fun to do a Zidane Lala cosplay.
I look forward to having 1.5sec GCDs.
It must be tricky talking about the new jobs without revealing any media tour details
Why is there an Ascian symbol floating in (The ARcadion) Logo?
14:14 I enjoyed my time with GW2 but it does feel dated. Id love to see a 3rd entry but sunk-cost-fallacy makes mmos not do sequels these days. Lot of players will see that as their "jumping off" point
Some of the pictomancer ink effects remind me of the Splatoon ink effects, and I love it!
Oh I hope we get to see Goesetsu again here.
I love the pictomancer animations and colors but at the same time i think they needed just that little thing more to make it look very special.
The "splatoon-like" colors are fine, just…add sparkles and the butterflies you showed in the trailer? Lol