Dark Knights after the Liveletter – FFXIV Short

Shadow wave looks sic tho


31 thoughts on “Dark Knights after the Liveletter – FFXIV Short”

  1. Wait, I don't get it, the video shows Bard and Scholar and those two classes do no belong in the same bin together. I mean, Bard got quite a few changes to how their optimal rotation works (It also helps that there is a worst version of Bard, and we've already gone through it). Scholar on the other hand, went from the best healer in Stormblood to getting a lost impetus as their "big gamechanger" for Endwalker.

    Also, the comments don't help either because they seem to imply that the Dark Knight has some reason to be disappointed with their new stuff, which doesn't fit with Lyna's scene as she is lamenting the loss of others and not herself.

  2. As a tank main and having all tanks maxed, I actually still main dark knight. I haven't played above 50 before shadowbringers so I don't know how it used to feel, but I actually like dark knight the most due to tbn and the skills at his disposal. I actually felt like gnb was the most shallow tank at 80, and WARs first aoe just gives me explosive diarrhoea

  3. A friend of mine who's been a sch main in arr and part of hs then still plays it regularly said even though it's mechanics are very clunky, the "you can't use this now" and "Selene will do it eventually if she doesn't forget" parts, sch is and will still be very powerful. It will still have the biggest shields, which is very potent on high end content. I just hope physical ranged wil get a bit more overall damage potency…

    Anyway, as a drk main i sure don't miss playing the math knight we had in hs but the job these days felt a bit empty in terms of mechanics… Push the abilities, don't go below 3000 or beyond 9000, keep 50 gauge for living shadow and use your mana on team buffs windows. 123 123 123. That's it.

    We used to have ressource management and decision making, the simplification of the job coming at the same time as the simplification of tanking was a lot in one swoop. OG war mains get it. Don't get me wrong, i like edge of shadow but i would really have appreciated something along the lines of a 6000 mana ability or anything along the lines of planning.

    We needed something to tie together all those damage abilities, not more "press that, damage" ones.

    This "123123 push your ten ability buttons and that's it" gameplay has been progressively getting annoying to me over the course of sb, adding more mindless disconnected abilities doesn't feel right. I sure hope the new defense focus of tanks will bring a fresh feeling to the table. Anyway, i'll still wait for live gameplay to forge my final idea on the matter but i'm not optimistic, even though we're fine i guess.

  4. It's both funny and sad to see so many people going "I don't get it" in the comments…… Just take your Flood 2.0, shitty defensive, and fucking "enhanced" Unmend and just go play the game…. don't actually think about it, or look at the other tanks, don't worry about your AoEs being spells or Living Dead being what it is still, just don't…… stay happy….. for the rest of us…..

  5. As someone who went through the entirety of ARR as a WAR, I've come to pick up DRK because I heard the story was really good, and I just really like the aesthetic of it, even if it feels like I'm lacking in damage at times (takes ages to kill anything in the Bozjan Leveling Front…). Something about it just scratches that edgy-itch I think we all have…

    Definitely dropping DRK for Reaper, though.

  6. i love all the new stuff just cause im biased as fuck when it comes down to DRK

    Thought the QoL change i want them to make is Living dead to indicate to show us that its activated similar to WAR rage thing w.e you call it i had to use a micro to show in text with the most annoying ping possible lol


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