Welcome to Part 107, Escape from Castrum Centri, of this Final Fantasy XIV walkthrough. This series features FF14 gameplay and commentary by GameolioDan. Please support this Final Fantasy XIV playthrough by clicking the Like button. Cheers!
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Game Description
Final Fantasy XIV (FF14)
Embark on the myriad journeys of an epic in FINAL FANTASY XIV, the revolutionary MMORPG from Square Enix. As denizens of the new and visually stunning realm of Eorzea, players will actively engage in compelling storylines narrated through high-definition, real-time events featuring the players’ own highly personalized and versatile characters.
While exploring even the farthest reaches of this magnificent world, adventurers are given the freedom to entirely alter their gameplay experience by simply swapping out equipment, and realize objectives with or without the aid of others. The entire experience is crafted to accommodate the widest variety of play styles-from the lone mercenary with only moments a day to spare, to the legion of comrades campaigning for days on end, and every combination in between.
Join players from around the world in an adventure of infinite possibilities.
Final Fantasy 14 Website: https://www.finalfantasyxiv.com
Thanks for watching this episode in our Final Fantasy 14 playthrough, if you would like to see this FFXIV walkthrough from the beginning, you can do so by clicking on this playlist link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9E84GSbvXM&list=PLP9Bc9bhIBQbvtc17GvRjuSW1lAEbybSt&index=1 to see more Final Fantasy 14 gameplay
#finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv #ff14
More Eorizia yes please :). Keep these amazing Lp's coming good Sir
Welcome to Part 107, Escape from Castrum Centri, of this Final Fantasy XIV walkthrough. This series features FF14 gameplay and commentary by GameolioDan. Please support this Final Fantasy XIV playthrough by clicking the Like button. Cheers!
Please keep this Let's Play as it is. Yes, it will take you a long time until you reach Endwalker, but trust me, it's worth it. Don't take a shortcut. You will miss a great story. You are reaching the end of the prologue. From there on the story gets bigger and better. The patches of A Realm Reborn will lay the groundwork of things to come and lead you to Heavensward. At this point the story kicks of.
Unfortunately, there's no way that I know of to push ahead with another character without having to pay money for a story skip.
You could start another character and It will go faster due to quest streamlining but it won't start you off at the latest expansion.
Those are… not the voices I would've imagined for Biggs and Wedge.