Quazii discusses FF14 drama where an ERP Nightclub purchases real billboards for an in-game event, breaking copyright rules and Terms of Service along the way.
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#ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #ff14
They say everyone else is too stupid and broke to get these billboards… I'd say they are too stupid and broke to afford a multi million dollar lawsuit from Square Enix.
prime example of why modding should be banned outright….also they also do RMT to make the billboard happen as well.
Crystal players are another level of players.
that was stupid
They’re gonna get banned and mostly likely get a lawsuit from SE NA. They already had the billboards up and now it’s everywhere.
It is actually all fakes, the billboard picture is a template used in graphic design
While there is no law saying that a MMO roleplay club cannot buy billboards to advertise their events as long as they have the extravagant money to pay for billboard space, if they are using it to bash players, then that's another can of worms. 🙁
EDIT: Wait, they're wearing outfits that are not even released yet? I smell hackers and that's another can of worms, one which is smelly and will most like get them shut down by the mods. X(
Erotic Role Players… Ugh. They are Cancer. In World of warcraft.. And in Final Fantasy. Degenerates. It makes you wonder why do they play the game. Just to get of or something. Just to get turned on by the characters… and role play some pervert fantasy of their in the game. Like the losers that they are. Even more funny when you have males pretending to be females. Doing this shit with other guys playing male characters that ACTUALy believe that the female character is a she… When its actualy a guy. Disgusting.
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
I play on Balmung and one of my friends has a house in the same ward as this night club. It's been almost non stop people there on mecha mounts, firing cannons. Bards dressed in clown outfits. Just insanity.
I'm part of a few RP scenes there, and everyone is just kinda sighing and accepting this is just part of being on Balmung server.
watching their venue when up in flame makes me kinda sad, I know they work hard for this but at the same time poor management… whoever is in charge of this event needs to stop and think for a moment
ff14 news be like:
2 days ago
a ff14 player saved a pet from a burning building by using blood-whetting irl
we got news about the next amazing updates
crazy ff14 ERP group advertise on irl billboards then they tell the government/ rest of world, to go back to WOW if they don’t like it XD
Wow some people are just so stupid. They must REALLY want a law suit. I hope SE sues the shit out of who ever is responsible for this, it could be very very damaging to the image of the game.
i sent a link to this video to my FC's discord and they are laughing at there downfall and the lawsuit coming there way
For Twelve's sake, these lemons… To think that using modded attire in public was a good idea… To think that using the official trademarked logo was a good idea…
Even a goobbue is smarter than- No that would be an offense to the goobbues…
Why is it always Balmung
How did they think that this was a good idea?
Karens are going to line up for miles.
Quazii, your in-depth research of SE's Legal Documentation was already more well thought-out than their entire "marketing" campaign!
I gotta admit, my first thought was it was pretty funny. But I understand where everyone is coming from… how did they think they would get away with this? XD
I dont know why such a fiasco. It shouldn't have to be. The group just want to advertise a fun event. Yes, there are few misstep on the development of the billboard image. It was made with a good intention. A minor slap should be good enough. This getting overblown may discourages of community player driven events in the future.
wow !!!😮😮😮😂
While this is clearly not good for the game. To say this was ineffective marketing on any level is delusional. Every single top name and people you never heard of is talking about this in and out of game. Take off the FF logo and erp and boom success. They just went too far to flex. But hey no shot “in-game give away” gets you this kind of exposure. For good or ill.
It ultimately doesn’t matter, but my primary focus in FFXIV is Savage raiding, Extreme Trials, and other combat challenges. I don’t want this type of thing to represent the game to the public.
I think their reaction to people questioning the billboard was the worst thing they could have done. I could see people being supportive, if they hadn't gone stupid with their response. That being said, if they simply didn't use any official logos on the billboard, I don't see why that would be a problem. I am not a lawyer though.
i couldnt care less about the fact they had billboards put up for their venue but what grinds my gears is that they publically used modded assets and used unreleased glamours. this kind of shit is what is going to cause SE to crack down on mods and Gposing 3rd party programs even harder. its oxygen thieves like these people that cause fun things like mods and Gposing 3rd party tools to go away for people that use these things quietly and out of the public eye.
The flack, why the heck would they tarnish FFXIV like that, that ticks me off!!
And you're right, about that bit, we are not stupid C…. we just care about our game enough that we don't want idiots ruining The game!!
These people sound like Lahas and Fandaniels I swear 😬
Get rid of them, tainting the image of the game
"how are they gonna find us?"
Classic ignorance.
I think everyone should jus mind their business if ur not involved or ur not being targeted jus leave it alone the company will handle it if it's wrong idk
The final fantasy community lacks some brain cells that’s not a lie lmao. Is extremely toxic in their own way.
Spamming chat and party finder wasn't enough, huh?
if SQ gonna throw lawsuit they gonna sue the dude who rented that billboard Lol. here no escape
Just let them have their fun you bunch of puritan killjoys.
The reddit post alone gave those idiots more visibility than 100 billboards. Yoshi asked to keep silent about modding and sexual stuff, and what the greatest community does? Makes a nationwide drama from 4 fucking billboards that otherwise would be up for a week or two, then disappear peacefully. Now that there is enough interest in this whole situation, youtube videos and news articles will begin to pop, which will make things even more awkward for SE. Be sure to make some more memes and spread them, I bet Yoshi would thank you for that.
Tbh i fucking hate this, i really love the Game- Raiding, PvP, Crafting etc.. its a awesome game but some "genius" ruins the reputation for everyone. i mean.. the game had already a "weeb waifu catgirl simulation" reputation it don't need to get worse ffs.
Let me guess: "Florida Man" strikes again. I hope Square Enix sues the pants off these idiots, but most likely they have next to nothing to seize.