Crucial Mechanics to Master in #FFXIV: Slidecasting #shorts #endwalker

You can move in the last half-second of every cast! Why is that? Let me explain the mechanic known as Slidecasting!

If you still feel a little lost, watching the Crucial Mechanics Short on The Global Cooldown might be helpful:

I post reminders about new videos on my twitter, alongside other things occasionally:

Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope


5 thoughts on “Crucial Mechanics to Master in #FFXIV: Slidecasting #shorts #endwalker”

  1. Been a while since the last Crucial Mechanics Short! Be sure to let me know in the comments if there are any mechanics you think would be great to hear about next in this format!
    Also thank you to my friend Pooksie who helped with a role in the short! ^^

  2. Slide casting is so unique to FFXIV because of the server tick. Tbh, constant slide casting is a pain for BLM when you are not used to its unusual cast time. It is really a great method for low movement mechanics and positioning for all casters.

    The short vid is very easy to understand, and to the point. Very nice. 😊

  3. As a Black Mage, I am so reluctant to do it, because it causes me to lose uptime. It looks super flawless in your clip, as though pressing the next skill would simply interrupt your walking and therefor prevent any uptime loss.

  4. Thank you for explaining how lag/latency factors in to the slidecast window! So the players who take it upon themselves to legally move next door to the servers have a noticeably shorter window of movement?


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