Crafting Tips For FFXIV Patch Days – Learn From My Mistakes

Crating Tips for FFXIV patch days.

This was my first ever time in current content in FFXIV and my first time being here on a major patch release. Being in love with crafting I was so excited to get involved with crafting the new 580 gear, but I was so unprepared. Hopefully this video showcasing my huge mistakes might help new crafters or wow veterans like myself who are in current content for the first time be more prepared!

Thanks as always for watching and I hope you enjoying the new raids, all the new crafting recipes or whatever else you are doing in Endwalker!

These are just tips from my experiences over the last week, not an extensive guide, but if you have any other crafting tips I’d love to hear them in the comments.

0:00 Intro
1:55 1. Crafting Scripts
3:00 2. Overmelding
4:45 3. Tomestones
5:40 4. Quality
6:40 5. Sales Prices


24 thoughts on “Crafting Tips For FFXIV Patch Days – Learn From My Mistakes”

  1. I'd also consider just making a shit ton of collectables and hoarding then in your inventory the day before. Buy a book, recap scrips, buy a book, repeat

  2. Another tip, check the market tax rates with the retainer vocates in any major city. You can save either 3-5% per sale with moving your retainer to a lower tax city. The tax rates change every Sunday.

  3. Yep, omnicrafter here 😀 I was a casual during ShB but decided to be a hardcore crafter when 5.3 hit and now am still doing it. And yes, pentameld is the key…for most cases at least. Try to hit the minimum craftsmanship and control at least before patch dates (if you lack resources/materia/gil) or maximize it (for millionaires really XP). Yep, the first 2 weeks can net you a ton of gil literally but the most consistent from my perspective are starred food and tinctures (2-Star, 3-Star and 4-Star). Weapons and Armors are indeed gil-makers but they pretty much die down after 2 weeks at least but still pricey and takes time for it to be sold (specially after 2 weeks) in comparison with foods and tinctures, in my opinion. Also, when you're selling, don't oversaturate the market. Hehe

  4. I got involved with crafting because we crafted our progression gear for ourselves and I like to craft my own food as well. If you want a slow but steady income, popular raidfood sells for months, there are a ton of raiders who don't craft consumables just grab them from the market board.

  5. Call me crazy, but I found it a lot more profitable to just sell aphorism mats on patch day and just farm them from hunts and roulettes. I made about easy millions from this. I also banked and sold materia on patch day.

    If you love crafting, by all means craft. I hate it personally and it wasn't worth the pain on patch day. Next patch I'll be waking up early to farm materials.

  6. I just realized i have to get my collectibles this week.

    I was farming fates to unlock the sharlayan gemstone vendor. I did not know about bicolor gemstones vouchers yet; to prevent hitting cap, i spent most on the farmable materials, which sold fairly well early on. Some that are pain to farm (milk, flowers) still sell for decent price.

  7. Unfortunately on my server the market crashed and died within days of the master recipes dropping. Prices went from 500k+ to 100K which would not even cover the materials cost in most cases. I think the recipes being easier to craft this time around paired with most people having easy access to gear of the same item level really made the crafting lackluster this go around. It's almost better to just be a gatherer and sell materials then to complete full items. I made more selling Materia in 20 mins then I did crafting for hours.

  8. Tip: Don't forget crafters' food! It counts for meeting the stat minimums. HQ Tsai tou Vounou is choice right now but even older food like Chili Crab can make a huge difference. You can also drink tea such as Craftsman's Draughts and it'll stack on top of the food!

    Tip: There's several external sites now that have crafting simulators that will let you simulate a craft and try to hone in on meeting the quality and progress requirements. ffxivteamcraft, for example. People can also share their working rotations.

  9. So..long story but…I just began playing FF14 last year. But then decided to go on holiday (visiting my bro) could not take my pc..coz it's probably weighs more than my luggage. My bro tells me he has a gaming laptop( his laptop sucked and his drivers 🤮out of date) So I did not play FF14. Then I thought, fine, will play when I get home. (But in America masks are apparently recommended but not a Must) So now am stuck in bloody Boston with Covid. And could not craft during patch time… So much Gill 😭

  10. I like crafting but i don't have the patience to deal with the undercutting, plus materia, plus standing there making the itens.
    So i mostly gather, craft the raw material to it's usable crafting item and sell it. I only have 50mil in hand, but i almost never have anything to buy, so it's a living.

  11. Aww… Marty got caught in Crafting (Savage). I'm a pretty casual crafter, but once I get everything up, you can bet I will be overmelding the shite out of things. I've been saving up

  12. It's been a learning curve for me, too. Stat priority for overmelding once you've got the basic requirements is CP>Craftsmanship>Control. Use HQ Tsai tou Nouvou for best food buff, and a crafter soulstone adds another 15 CP.
    You can't overmeld Xs & VIIIs past the 1st slot. That's what seemingly naff VIIs & IXs are for. Something I found out after flogging all mine…
    If you're levelling up crafting/gathering post patch, the Studium deliveries will net all the scrips you need for Master crafting/Regional Folklore tomes.

  13. Every crafter lost gil this patch. This patch was dominated by botters that were selling for volume and not profit per item. It was a bloodbath. I had my gear pentamelded, had tomes capped, and all mats stocked before the patch. Still only made about 20m gil which was barely more than the cost for pentamelding.

  14. When it comes to selling, sell over many retainers because when you use one the items get taken down off the Market Boards, it does this for all retainers in the same location so spread your retainers out too. (Also want to spread them out for Tax purposes)

  15. I'm not a 90 crafter yet, but remember that while you're interacting with a retainer they aren't selling stuff. Since you have 4 retainers, you're probably better off selling a quarter of your inventory on each, so when you're undercutting, 75% of stock is still up for sale (vs 0%) then you can just cycle through each to keep prices lowest


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