China's FFXIV 2.0 Launch Almost DIED to This… ★ FF14 in China EP1

In this multi-episode series, Quazii discusses fall and rise of Final Fantasy XIV in China, which launched with ARR 2.0. Episode 1 discusses the disastrous start of the title in China.

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44 thoughts on “China's FFXIV 2.0 Launch Almost DIED to This… ★ FF14 in China EP1”

  1. looking forward to more! i don't believe any other content creators have covered the china angle of ARR's release. to be fair, i also got stuck on the multi choice quest reward when i first started so i can totally understand why so many players dropped off from there!

  2. Maybe that feed back led to the MSQ guide UI element we have today. Makes you think. I love how Yoshp seems to always seems to make every group of players in the game feel equal in priority and not an after thought like some global mmos that make some groups clearly feel like a lower priority.

  3. I think that is why, it is important for devs/GMs to be responsive to complaints and suggestions. I'm not sure if there was an instruction guide on the need to click for the reward but in my own personal experience, it did come as natural for me to explore (meaning dabble and click randomly :D) . Also I think there was an "option" label above the rewards signifying you need to choose just one. Am not sure for the Chinese version though. Love the story and love the passion of those people who remained during the Chinese 2.0 to 3.0 fanfest. 😀

  4. I’m actually curious about how FF14 compared to JX3 in China, since JX3 is such a Chinese fantasy game, taking inspiration from Jin Yong’s famous martial warrior novels and all. I always have the impression that it’s one of the biggest MMO in China, but idk how big it is compared to WoW or currently FF14.

  5. I've been there. I've definitely logged out thinking my game bugged and I couldn't finish the quest. Only to realize I needed to specify one reward to finish the quest.

  6. Yoshi-P is a game designer that wants to see how people view his game from every angle possible, no matter how critical, especially ones that he had not considered before. I'm sure he learned a lot from this failed relaunch and took to heart and implemented some of the features that we may take for granted today. He really wants EVERYONE he can reasonably reach out to have the best experience that they can manage to provide. In some ways it's an unenviable position to be in, and I think it's fair for people to wonder whether or not he tries too hard to make FFXIV for so many different types of players, but I personally strongly believe that the game has come so far for exactly that reason.

  7. Quazii found a niche in the FFXIV content creator market! Hurray bilingualism in SG! I'd have been more aware of news from the PRC world if not for the fact I read Chinese 50% slower. But thanx to you, I won't have to do that!

  8. ngl the item level 5 quest got me. lmao. I didn't read quest text so I just assumed I needed to level up more to unlock it. Then I did a ton of side quests before continuing. It wasn't until my second play through that I realized I just needed to buy a hat.

    The options one gave me pause the first time I saw it, but I think I figured that one out pretty quick.

  9. I am from EU and also was thinking 2.0 was bad, remeber the final nail in the coffin for me was looking at the black mage end game rotation in a guide thinking wtf, FFIX was more interesting then this. Took me 8 years before giving it another shot and even then I may not have made it passed AAR if I was not high on hopium that it will get better.

  10. Bro…I get the "not being familiar with the mechanic" thing, but it took me 15 seconds top when I was 11 years old to realize that I needed to click on a reward after a quest in Aion, I would hardly call that a "puzzle".
    Are they unfamiliar with the concept of trial and error too?

  11. I will admit, I’ve never heard of this. So thanks for uncovering this and shedding light on it. Just like it was a small group of dedicated players that gave life support to form a core enough for FF14 to see 2.0, so too it seems just 100 dedicated players in China came forth to save the 2.0 game in China. It’s amazing though how years of WoW screwed up players that they can’t figure out how to progress or choose rewards. That’s all interestingly amazing to me.

  12. I can tell something interesting.

    1. The 8th Umbral Era

    Since Chinese operations team keep opening new world at first, there were 4 DCs and 30+ worlds at most. But during the later two years, they were combined into 1 DC with 8 worlds only. We call it as The 8th Umbral Era, or The Transfer Umbral Era.

    Now we are back to 3 DCs and 23 worlds, and haven't reached a consensus on the name of this event.

    2. Names of DCs and worlds

    Chinese version has a different style of names of DCs and worlds. For example, as Chocobo is name of a world in Mana DC, but it is name of a DC in China. The other two are Fat Cat and Moogle. Thus we usually short them as the Bird, the Cat and the Pig.

    The names of world originate from places in game, like Amethyst Shallows, Providence Point and so on. My character was born in Mor Dhona, one of the oldest worlds and survived from the 8th Umbral Era.

    3. 888 Fat Chocobo Event

    About later 2014, the Chinese operation team added the Fat Chocobo Whistle on their webstore, whose price was 888 RMB (about $140). Besides the extremely price, we were very worried that the operations team would lead FFXIV to a show-off props-paid game. Then, some of us reported it to SE directly.

    Less a week later, they changed the obtaining method to keeping online for 24 hours in 14 days, as well as the operation manager of Chinese operations team.

  13. I guess the quest UI was less clear back then as now we do have a more clear UI that tells you to pick a reward. The one with item levels is confusing if you don't read the quest text… But maybe they had a poor translation and that confused them, like the quest saying they need to be level 5 instead of equipment level 5.

  14. More FFXIV launch info I didn't know? Sign me up!! 😀 I know a lot about the Western and Japanese perception of the game, and it's really interesting to hear how different the Chinese perception was. Based on current numbers, I know it's turned around, and I can't wait to hear the journey.

  15. The only problem and it is small that I have with FF14 coming from WOW….FF14 does in fact play like a single player game, there is barely any group quests, you go through the MSQ, unlock some dungeons, do said dungeons and then continue, the group content doesn't realy happen until you hit 50/60/70/80 and soon level 90. I don't have to play with anyone until I hit those dungeons. When in wow, there are some elite mobs that require a few people. I miss the days when you had to get a group then run together to the instance. Those days are gone. Just hit a button and que up for a dungeon.

  16. The low level quests around the NPC vendor also will give players the gear they need to qualify.
    So I’m surprised confused players didn’t just do other quests and return after a while once the game flagged the quest as completed.

  17. Quazii, I’m very curious how Stormblood was localized. I’ve looked In English forums but nobody is talking about it yet.
    Of course famously, WoW’s undead were self censored by the publisher.
    Did Ala Migans demanding ‘Liberty or Death’ make it unscathed?

  18. That 5 ilvl quest was stupid. I think you had option to buy robe, or hat and body piece, but it didnt work, since robe is both hat and body and quest demanded every item to be ilvl5 piece(+) or so…. I dont remember it exactly, but i had problem with that quest too back in days. And lots of other people too, i think even today robe still doesnt count.


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