Chat Bubbles CONFIRMED!? – FF14 FANFEST 2023 Roundup

Mike and the team was at fanfest at the weekend and boy is there a lot of talk about, from cosplay, to parties and yes … chat bubbles.

Yotsuyu cosplayer –
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream –


19 thoughts on “Chat Bubbles CONFIRMED!? – FF14 FANFEST 2023 Roundup”

  1. It was so nice meeting you at the Fanfest – Nophica here, who wasn't going to change before the Primals, but definitely should have taken a page out of your book, as the dress actually broke during the concert. Nothing happened, but cheering would have been easier with both hands free, instead of having to hold the neckpiece of the top together. Just a small fun anectdote from the con. Glad to hear you had an amazing time, and now I know where the talk about "Yoshi P confirmed chat bubbles" are coming from XD
    Good trip and have a nice BlizzCon ^^

  2. The awkwardness around Sakaguchi was so funny to hear. A friend of mine said something similar. I wasn't part of the fanfest but met up with people who were, went to a restaurant and Sakaguchi was sat next to the table next to us. Got autograph and selfie together no problem… 😀

  3. I went to fanfest and I found it really funny how on the right side (where I was with my +1) standing, everyone was getting hyped over the map details and the smaller information as much as the big news (except for the lalafell cheeks lol), it honestly felt like "right side" was the much more nerdy side of the arena from what you say.

  4. Feel like you took that first interaction very kindly, sounds super shitty imo. Paid for event, lottery system to even meet them, and then it’s a shitty meet with super strict rules and horrible staff running it.
    That would put me off the event and company a lot. I feel like if this was Blizzard you wouldn’t have given them the same benefit of doubt.

  5. This was my first fanfest and it was amazing experience, the show, the events, meeting people and getting to get pictures with yourself and other content creators that said I was shocked with the seating for the keynote. I was lucky been a solo person I could jump into little single seats people left between groups so got good seats for everything but man they need more organisation there for sure

  6. It sounds like you all had a similar staff issue that we had at Vegas. To clarify, all of the people I went with held nothing against the SQEnix folks, it was clearly the venue staff. There were so many issues, conflicting information, mishandling, etc. Idk why these venue/security staff are so badly managed.

  7. Spotted you in Uldah on day 2! Agreed with the merch situation, it was pretty dire in terms of stock/ people buying multiple items, and also the lack of seats was just confusing? My biggest concern based on what happened in Las Vegas was accessibility, security not being tight enough and people stealing seats from those that actually needed it. I was super relieved that they had tightened that up big time for London, ESPECIALLY for the Primals concert. I'm glad they listened to that feedback specifically from Vegas.

  8. Arthars's underworld move sounds incredible. LMAO
    Props to Mike for being so understanding of that uncomfortable situation. It sounds like a story some Karen would take to social media to say they had THE WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE and stir shit up.

  9. I was lucky enough to go and loved all of it 🙂 but you pretty much hit the issues on the head. Biggest issue for me was the fact they sold out of the glow sticks on the first day, should of limited it to 2 per person or something, saw people with 5+ of them 🙁

    Got to meet Preach though, apologies for stopping you right as you were about to get a burrito! but thank you for it 🙂 Social anxiety prevented me but got the courage to ask xD

  10. Dont think its fair to compare Fanfest with BlizzCon… After all, BlizzCon is about the company and all their game, whereas Fanfest is only about one game. Additionally, there are three Fanfests over three continents, and as you already put it, they cant spoiler everything at once 🙂

  11. you guys are weird chat bubbles why are people liking chat bubbles? such a visual mess on the screen, i hope if they bring it they give me the option to deactivate it instantly.


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