Challenge the Twelve!
New Showcase, focusing on all Panthean Gears. These gear sets came out at the patch 6.1, in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker.
I spent hundred hours to finally get all these gears and it was so worth it when you witness this majectic design! This collection is a blast for me and probably one of my favorite set gear with Eden’s promise gear and Nier gears! The colors, the details, the design… i fond of everything about this collection!
To get these gears, you can loot them by playing the alliance raid, Aglaia, in Endwalker.
Note: Panthean gears are dyeable.
Important notice: i don’t use any mods to show weapons, gears, etc. I gather everything in FFXIV and i use the gpose feature inside the game, on PS5.
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – Healing Set (White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian & Sage)
0:41 – Aiming Set (Bard, Machinist and Dancer)
1:10 – Striking Set (Monk, Samurai)
1:53 – Fending Set (Paladin, Warrior, Dark Knight and Gunbreaker)
2:21 – Scouting Set (Ninja)
2:49 – Maiming Set (Dragoon, Reaper)
3:16 – Casting Set (Black Mage, Summoner and Red Mage)
3:44 – Outro
#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasy
Panthean gear is one of those set I have every piece for every job. Though I substitute the Healer helm with Laurel Wreath. Anima bow also need some cheap paint to make the gold tone closer to the gear. hopefully the 2nd AR gear next jan will look awesome too.